[Chapter One] Dishonesty

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Friday 1:42 Am It was your average cold winter night. Not for Tsukishima Kei atleast, hell he barely remembers how he got home . What even happened, how did i get home? Something Tsukishima himself didn't have the answer to. Suddenly he snaps back into reality when a small ding comes from his phone.


huh? , that's when he realized the horde of messages in his phone.

12:45 Am {Kenma}Kei we've called a million times, kuroo says you didn't answer when he went to check up on you?

What, why would he need to check up on me? What the hell is going on.

10:38 Pm {kuroo} Keiiiii? i've been here for almost an hour knocking. everyone is really worried man.

I have alot of text from Tendou and Bokuto? I'll ask them.

12:33 Am{Bokuto} hey are you okayyy? it was supposed to be a dumb game i didn't know it would get that far i'm really sorry Tsuki   😰😰😰.

1:56 Am {Tsuki} bokuto i'm fine, i think? what even happened?!!

{Bokuto} you don't remember? oh then that's good. don't worry about it then as long as you're okay!!

{Tsuki} what? i don't get it what do you mean?

{bokuto} ask Tendou  he started it.

I can't get ONE answer?!

8:45 {Tendou} i was gonna tell you.  You can't blame me, not after how i treated you for me to switch up my feelings isn't fair to you i know that.

{Tendou} Kei you didn't even give me the chance to explain.

{Tendou} everyone is very worried yknow

{Tendou} you can't avoid me forever i know what i did was wrong but i want to apologize

{Tendou} no one has heard from you, can i at least know you're okay??

{Tendou} really ignoring me fine let's be kids about it then 😤😤😤

{Tendou} please talk to me that last message was a joke

2:12 {Tsuki} what do you mean?? i can't remember anything from last night please explain?

{Tendou} you'll get mad won't you?

{Tsuki} no?

{Tendou} i did something but we have to talk in person about it, and tell yamaguci im sorry.

sorry for what? what does yamaguci have to do with this??? i'll just sleep for now

On monday 7:48 Am"Bye Bye tobio !" his older brother rammed the gas as he waved at him like normal, but something was different all eyes where on him and not in the way they usually where?

"TSUKIIIIIII" a familiar voice called out, among the sea of students he could see such memorable ginger hair making its way towards him. "you're more exited than usual" the taller boy says under his breath. " well duh my best friend just showed up after everyone thought horrible things had happened to him" Shoyo grabbed Tsukishima's arm tight and tighter than usual, this threw Tsukishima's  off. When looking down at his smaller opposite he realized hinata had a look of relief in his eyes that slowly turned into worry once they head inside the school.
There stood Kageyama,Kenma,Kuroo,and Bokuto all where waiting for the two as usual. "JEEZ TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH" yelled an angry Bokuto. "at least you're okay" Kenma chirped in with a small smile, it was a rare moment to see but even Kenma showed worry. "hi?" Kageyama said as confused, Meanwhile Kuroo looked at Kageyama eyes wide almost as if he saw an extinct animal standing in front of him.
"Not to be the one to bring this up- " before Kuroo could even finish speaking Bokuto tapped his shoulder "He doesn't remember what happened" . Kuroo just stares at him with a puzzled expression. "still if i where you i wouldn't have come you've been the only thing people have talked about".

Talking about me?

That's when they realized they had to be in their classes, Kei and Kageyama had the same home room so they usually walked together.  As you can tell it's always pretty silent between the two when walking.  
Kei never really got a chance to hear the people talking about him because his friends where talking over it but now, with the silence of Kageyama he finally gets to hear all of it.

"i cant believe he would do something like that", "i know it's crazy, i mean i know he's the way he is but i never pinned him as that type of person".

Honestly no matter how mean people thought Kei was he could never confront those people that talked about him, what good what it do, what would he say? He knew non of that. Finally Kageyama got sick of hearing it and spoke up, "people never know how to shut up, you didn't even do anything it's all just a stupid rumor so whatever they tell you don't believe it." all the taller one could do was nod in response.
what did i do??
Words that wouldn't get out of his head no matter how hard he tried .
" hey, snap out of it i told you already you didn't do anything " the older one waved his hand in front of Kei's face.

As soon as the two boys turned the corner they saw it, Tadashi Yamaguci, someone Tsukishima considered the love of his life kissing Terushima Yuji.

Normally he would've done something but with everyone already talking about him, he didn't. Kageyama looks at tsukishima in disbelief, the blonde drags Kageyama to their classroom quickly hoping Tadashi won't notice.

9:10 Am (after class) "KEI" Tsukishima's eyes widen as he looks to the left of him "I feel like i've been calling your name for forever, hurry up they're gonna yell at us if we aren't there before break is over"  the blonde slowly follows Kageyama from behind

"where are they anyways? and they're supposed to be the earliest ones." he sighs and sits down on the floor waiting for his friends to come.
The black haired boy slides down next to him pulling out his phone as he aggressively types something.
soon they see a tall black haired boy with his smaller best friend beside him walking towards them.
Kenma looks at them both and gives a small smile like he normally does as a way of saying hello. Kuroo on the other hand is more verbal
"ah hello to you both, you're kinda early ".
Kageyama looks up with a sour look on his face "you said come at 9:10 we came at 9:13 YOU TWO came at 9:20 neither of your classrooms are that far."
Kuroo gave Tobio And Kei a look that only said I'm sorry as he pouted
"stop with the face will you?" Kei gave an annoyed look as he asked "I'm not in the mood".
Kenma being Kenma, is the only one who decides to ask about it "What's wrong?".
Tsukishima doesn't answer instead let's out a loud "UGH" sound in frustration " what did i do to make tadashi even do that?" Kenma and Kuroo are visibly confused with what Kei is asking, so this time Kuroo asks "Tsuki.what's.wrong? Tobio speaks up eyes still glued on Tsukishima
"Yamaguchi cheated on him" Kageyama has always had a problem with being to blunt and this was one of those times.
In an attempt to calm down the shock of the two other boys Tobio spoke up "Calm down I'm handling it"
Handling it?
the other two where just as confused as Tsukishima was. Finally break had come to an end they all went their separate ways until Tsuki bumped into a familiar red head "FINALLY, jeez i tell you we need to talk and you don't even make an effort to talk to me?"
Maybe for some reason after seeing his boyfriend cheat on him, Satori was the one person he wanted to see. "sorry i guess but i have to get to class we can talk then." Tendou put on his biggest grin "Okay mr.average i guess we will"

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