Hot Summer

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(The picture above is not mine)
(credits to the owner <3)

"Ah, it's so fun out there~"

The dark-haired female sighed as she folded her arms.

"We at least have to do something! It's so hot here"

"I mean we could visit our old Middle school"

"But that's kinda boring"

"I don't know"

The female huffs and widens her eyes.

"I know! We can call the others and have a reunion on the beach"


"It'll be fun I promise!"

Her friend and roommate, Oliver, agreed after what seemed like a few minutes.
The female grabbed his wrists and jumped excitedly.

"YEEEEEEEEEEY! Just in time, around 5 people agreed to go"

The female says as she retracts her hands away and places them on her hips.

"Since we have about an hour left, we can buy summer clothes, so get ready!"

Oliver watched the female enter her room, squealing.
He shakes his head playfully and enters his room as well.

A bag in hand as he fills them with his own necessities for the heat and water he'll be under in.
His eyes dart towards his cabinet, looking in each drawer to find his swimwear.
The happy mood dropped as none of the containers had what he needed.

'Where did they go? I remember leaving them neatly here'

He sighs and exits his room, only to see his friend with her bag, stuffed in different summer and swimming essentials.

"You're done already?!"

"Yes~! How about you?"

The male looks at the floor embarrassed.

"I don't have my swimsuit"


The female places her hand on his shoulder and looks at him with a smirk.


Oliver slouches in a worn-out position, knowing that the female is crazy for shopping and has let him come with her to buy a dozen of clothes.

"Come on Idiot! Just a few more stuff, be patient"

He chuckles as he remembers the time wherein he was pulled into her shopping day and things got out of hand.

"Yeah, why not"

The female drops her things and pulls out her wallet.

"Let's go!"


"Hell Yeah!"

The female stretches her arms and flails them around as they go back to their shared apartment.
All the while, Oliver arrives with a tired form carrying the rest of what they bought.

"Why did you buy more swimwear for yourself?!"

"What, you wanted more for you?"

"No, that's not what I meant. You have so much swimwear, why buy more?"

"They were on sale and were so pretty!"

"Okay but-"

Oliver cut himself off. If he kept on rambling and asking her, they would waste time and be late for the said 'reunion'.

"Let's just fix and get everything we need. We only have around 15 minutes and the walk there is around 10"

"Oh Yeah!"

She definitely did not forget about everything she orchestrated.
The male shrugged it off and hurriedly took his things from his room.

The day was perfectly hot and resembled the summer season.

"Hello Everyone!!"

"Hi, Lia!"


"Ae Shawty~"

"Avocado, bitch"

The female smiled widely seeing all of her friends.

"So I want to introduce you all to my roommate, Oliver!"

The group's gaze transfers to the said roommate of their beloved Lia.


Oliver comes out from behind his friend with a nervous wave.

"No need to be shy, man! The name's Eli"

"I'm Sofia and that's pretty much it"

"I'm Lloyd, nice to meet you bro!"

"Rachel's the name, summer's hot and so are all of you~"

Oliver looks at the group and nods with a small smile.
He then feels confused as to why only 4 people introduced and showed themselves.

Lia catches his look and quickly understands as to why he reacted that way.

"Oh! and that person seated over there in the shade is Gerard. He's not much of a talker but he's fun to get along with!"

"We also call him Ge, since you are just about to meet him it's best to call him Gerard"

Oliver's eyes change their direction to the male she pointed at.

'Well, I'll try to get along with that guy. I don't think he'd be that interested in me though'

Oliver's friend then put her hands around her mouth, creating a megaphone-like shape.


Oliver covers his ears from the stinging pitch his friend yelled in.

Lloyd walks towards Oliver and places his hand on his shoulder.

"You'll get used to it"

Oliver nervously nods.

The group then swarms together once more as Gerard walks towards them.

Oliver's eyes widen seeing Gerard's form.

He had lean and toned muscles, showing that this guy was really working out.
Wearing a matching pair of shorts and a shirt that complimented his features.

Oliver understood him as a guy that was difficult to keep his eyes off.
Oliver's body was quite built but not that of Gerard's.

"Hi guys, what'd you need me for?"

Oliver's heart skipped a beat as he heard the voice of the man he had in front of him.
Lia waves towards Gerard and points at Oliver.

"Hi there Ge~! I have my roommate here with me and I thought it best for you and him to introduce yourselves!"

Oliver's words get stuck in his throat from the nervous feeling.

"Hi there, my name's Gerard. What's yours?

Oliver looked at Gerard whilst trying to hide the blush in his cheeks.

He swallows deeply and coughs to start his introduction nicely from breaking down into a mess.

"H-hi. Yeah- Gerard. The name's Oliver..."

'shit, he heard me stutter'

"So sorry for stuttering"

"It's fine"

Gerard holds a fist out.
Confusion taking over Oliver's mind.

"It's a fist bump. Though you don't have to if you don't want to"

'shocks, this dude is so nice'

"Y-yeah sorry"

Oliver returns the fist bump and gives him a smile.

Gerard smiles back which caused Oliver's insides to churn.

Eli, a friend from the group, decides to break the nervous silence. 

"WElp! It's so hot here. Anyone wanna swim?"

Everyone looked at each other and agreed.

"Good idea Eli!"

Looks then exchanged with each other as a sign of agreement.

"Anyways. We'll be going to the restrooms to change, see you all!"

The girls then group themselves to their room and the boys did the same.


Oliver looked through his many choices of swimwear from earlier.

He found the swimsuit he suited the best.

A black swimsuit with purple stripes aligned on the sides.

'I look pretty cool in this-'

"Hey, Lloyd!"

Oliver's thoughts were interrupted by Gerard's voice that called out for his friend.

"Ah, shit. Guess he's not there"

After the built man's response, Oliver went back to fixing himself into his suit.


Oliver jumps a little from the sudden calling of his name.


Gerard sighs in what felt like relief.

"Could you please help me with zipping the back up?"

Oliver's cheeks flush as the other male asks for help.

'I shouldn't feel this way! I'm just going to help Ge- I mean Gerard with his suit'

'I have to calm down'

In a few seconds, Oliver gets out of his stall and goes to Gerard's.

It was quite a small space, so both males decided to zip it up in the much spacious area,  just outside of the actual stalls.

Oliver sees the male and waves.

Gerard raises a brow and smiles.

Oliver's face slightly flushes from the handsome expression the bigger male gave.

'Okay. All I have to do is zip him up, not anything else'

"What do you mean by 'not anything else' ?"

Oliver's face flushes bright red.

"O-oh it was nothing!"

'Ah, he heard me'

The bigger male smirks and laughs.

"You're cute"

"EH?! I'm not! oh.... Sorry!"

"Heh. Well, aren't you going to help me here?"

The flustered male gets back to his senses and helps zip it up.

'Woah his muscles are really-'

'I really shouldn't think of this!!!'

Oliver proceeds to zip Gerard's suit up.

"Thanks, Oliver. By the way, do you mind if I call you Oli? and of course you can call me Ge"

Oliver gives out a quick hum of a yes to the male.

"You're welcome, Ge"

"Yeah. Anyways, let's head on out already. The others are probably waiting already"

Both men walked out of the room and saw the others talking to each other in their swimsuits and bikinis. 

"Hi guys!"

Lia waves her hand towards the two.

"Let's all head to the beach!"

Everyone exited the lobby and walked into the beach.

A bunch of "YEEEEEEEEEY"s and "YEET"s were heard as they jumped into the water.

Splashes of water were put on everyone as they played endlessly with each other in the water.

Everything reminded everyone of when they were in their teen days.

Eli and Sofia did several rounds of sandcastle challenges with Lia as she was the one who would pick who's was best, Rachel and Lloyd were surfboarding, and the other two just stayed on the sand watching everything happen.

"Hey! Boys wanna join us in the volleyball court?"

Lia asked both of them as she held a determined look.

"I won't. I'll just stay here and watch you guys"

"How about you Gerard?"

The female faced him with a warm smile.

"Nah, I'll pass. Thanks for the offer"

The female was a bit sad that he rejected her but it was fine, another time would do.

"Ah, I see...Anyways! I'll go back to beating the others in volleyball!"

The female turns around and leaves the two alone.

Oliver felt a little worried as the female looked sad as the male beside him rejected her offer.

'She probably has a crush on him'

'But I don't want him to leave-'

'What the fuck is wrong with me?'

'Having a crush on Ge on the day I just met him?!'

Gerard looks at the male beside him and worries as he looks so frustrated.

"Hey Oli, you can tell me if you don't want me to stay with you"

Oliver's head quickly turns to the male.

"W-what?! No! ah- so sorry for shouting! It's just..."

Gerard looks at him confused.

Oliver then takes a deep breath.


"Woah there! Slow down"


"It's fine. I understood it anyway. Just didn't want you to go that fast, you started hyperventilating"

"Oh, okay"

"I'm fine with Lia, though I don't have my interest set on her"

"Oh, that's not really what I meant"

"Ah, I see"

"She's much more attractive and fun. Plus she's wearing a bikini and she has the perfect form...
I'm so sorry, I sound so crazy. I might have a crush on you- actually no. I do have a crush on you"

Oliver looks down from embarrassment and covers his face with his hands.

Feeling the shift of a presence upward and no one beside him.

'Ah, he hates me now. Why do I have to be this stupid, so ugly, so weak, and so sensitive? I hate myself-'

His thoughts get interrupted by two hands moving his hands from his face and lifting his chin up gently.

"Why would you think of that way? And Lia's just a friend to me, I don't have that kind of attraction towards her"

Gerard stops as he sees tears fall from Oliver's eyes.

"Don't look at me. I'm ugly-"

Gerard pulls him into a tight hug and leans his chin over his shoulder.

"You aren't and I'm not really into relationships right now"

"I know that, it's just that I feel so giddy around you. You don't have to be in a relationship with me"

The bigger male hums, understanding what Oliver meant.

After a few minutes, Gerard lets go and holds both of Oliver's hands.

"I decided. Let's go on a date on Monday"

Oliver's gaze moves towards Gerard's face.



Both males smile softly at each other.

Noticing the sunset in front of them, they hold each other's hands and take in the scene in front of them.


"Hey! The two of you. We gotta go!"

Both males hear the voice of Sofia and part their hands from each other.

"Y-yeah! We're coming"

The two stand up and walk towards the lobby.

"Okay. This was an amazing reunion. We can all change in our own places. Thank you all for coming here!"

Everyone gave their goodbyes and left, except for 3 people.

"Hey, I'm just going to get a drink for myself. Do you guys want?"


Both males said in unison.

The female leaves and now the room is quiet yet peaceful.

"Oli, here's my number. Text me when you get home"

Oliver holds the tiny piece of paper in his hands and smiles.

"I will"

They both hear footsteps and change their attention to the female holding their drinks.

"Here ya' go"

Three of them opened their canned drinks and finished them little by little as they conversed about various topics.

"Anyways. Oliver, we gotta go before they close this building"

They nodded and went out of the building.

"Bye Ge. It was surely fun with you around. See you~!"

Gerard smiled softly at the female and his gaze soon shifted to Oliver.

"Goodbye, Gerard. I enjoyed this short outing with you- and of course the others"

"Same here"

The female gasps and blushes as she witnesses the scene unfold. 

"O-okay we have to go now. I and Oliver have to finish a Netflix series"


They part their ways as the day ends.


As they walk home, Oliver decides to start a conversation.

"Hey Lia"


"Thank you so much for letting me into this beach date"

"Oh, you are very welcome"

The female looks at her friend.

"So... what happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, with Ge"

"Oh, nothing much"

The female smiles.

'Hehe I knew it... but why did Ge ask him out first! Now I owe Sofia $30'


The day ends with a good night of sleep and laughter from messages recieved.

It was a lovely Hot Summer.


Thank you so much for reading my first imagine named Hot Summer!!

I hope you enjoyed it <3




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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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