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I slammed my locker door shut. "Care I'm sorry but standing around in a decorated gym with uncomfortable shoes sound awful, and I told you last night that I didn't get a dress because I'm not going, ok? I told to Caroline as I leaned against the lockers. "And last night I also told you that I wasn't going to take no for an answer, plus I always have an extra dress." Caroline said while applying another layer of lip gloss on her lips. I sighed "Ugh fine, I'll go but on one condition." I said and Caroline raised her eyebrows. "I'm wearing my sneakers." I said while pointing to my dirty shoes. She let out a frustrated sigh but agreed. 

Once she closed her locker we walked out the metal doors. I walked up to Jeremy who was smoking, I grabbed it from him dropped it on the ground and smashed it with my sneaker. I dragged Jeremy by the shirt as we walked to my car where Elena and Bonnie were going to wait for us at. We talked for a bit but Jeremy sat in the back of Bonnie's car. I got into the drivers seat of my car and Caroline got in the passenger seat. Our house was only a few minutes away so we got home quickly. 

"Ok got get the curling iron." Caroline demanded. "We have 2 hours." I pointed out. She gave me a look and I got the curling iron. Once she had done my hair she gave me my dress. I took of my shirt and pulled the dress over my head and the I took off my pants. "I'm wearing shorts under this. I grabbed a pair of tight shorts on and adjusted my dress.

"Here, I cleaned them for you." Caroline said while handing me my shoes. "Thanks." I grabbed them and put them over my socks. I stood in the mirror and Caroline made me do a 360. "Ok, I approve. Now lets go we're going to be late!" we got in the car and drove to the school. Outside the doors you could see the colorful lights. I took a deep breathe and we went inside. 

I looked around the hot gym and watched girls dance with guys. I rolled my eyes and crosses my arms. "Why am I here again?" I asked Caroline "Because you are a senior and you're y/n Forbes you'll be fine." she replied "Well then I regret being a Forbes. This is torture." "I'm going to dance with Matt." "Wait, Caroline no i'm going to have to stand here awkwardly not to mention alone."  I begged. "You'll be fine go talk to Bonnie or something." "Fine." I walked over to Bonnie who was talking to Jeremy. 

"Hey Jer, hey Bonnie." I greeted them "Hey." they said in union. "Do you know whats up with Alaric he completely forgot our names today." Bonnie said "Oh I don't know I had his class last week and now i'm taking extra curricular classes now." I said and they shrugged. "I'm going to go talk to him and see whats up." I stated "Ok." they said

I walked to where he was standing "Hey, Ric." I said "Hi uh...whats your name again." He asked "Y/n Forbes." I put my hand out for him to shake he shook it and almost immediately knew it wasn't Alaric. "Um, I think Bonnie needs me see ya later." I turned and went to see Bonnie. "Bonnie that not Alaric it's like he's someone else in his body." I said "How do you know?" she asked me "I don't know its like I just knew." I shrugged. Bonnie seemed confused but brushed it off. 

A girl named Dee went up on stage and announced that "Elena Gilbert, and y/n Forbes, Klaus said to save him a dance." I looked at Elena from across the room and she met my gaze. I quickly walked over to her. "Who is Klaus?" I asked "He is an original vampire, and also a hybrid. He wants Elena dead to make more hybrids since she's a doppelgänger." Damon explained "What does that have to do with me?" I asked "I don't know." Damon told me.

 "I'm going to the bathroom." Bonnie said. I looked at the door to see Alaric leave I decided to go to the bathroom too. He was walking toward the North gym, close behind Bonnie. Bonnie entered the gym and I furrowed my brows. She shut the doors. Alaric kicked the door open and closed it quickly. I decided to watch them to see what was going on. 

I saw Alaric try to throw a chair at Bonnie but she stopped it in front of her face and sent it towards him. Bonnie turned around right as I was about to open the door she put a spell on it so I couldn't push it open. "What the hell Bonnie let me in!" I screamed. Damon came with Elena behind him. "Kick it down right now!" he tried but failed. I closed my eyes in frustration. Bonnie fell to the ground breaking the spell and we ran inside.

I went strait to Bonnie "Klaus is in Alaric's body." she told me faintly. "It's going to be ok." I picked her up and I started walking towards the doors kicking them open. Klaus then jumped in front of us, "Going so soon?" he asked still in Alaric's body. I glared at him and Bonnie used a spell to send him flying backwards. I took my chance and I went as fast as we could to the nearest exit. Once we got out Bonnie started a spell to make him return to his normal body and Alaric get back in his.

"It's done." she said after a while of muttering her spell. I went back inside to see Alaric passed out. "I'm going to take Caroline home, keep me posted on Alaric." I said, Damon nodded. I went out to the dance and found Caroline dancing with Tyler. "Lets go." I demanded "Fine."

We walked back outside and sat in my red car. I started the car and drove out of the parking lot. I told her what happened and we started going over Wickery bridge. A man jumped out in front of my car suddenly and it sent us over the bridge. I looked at Caroline as we slowly sunk. I unbuckled and she did too. Once the water was over our heads I broke my window and swam out. I got to the top. Soon Caroline was above the water too. We swam to land together. We played there for a second to catch out breathe. "Who the hell was that?" she asked. "I don't know but we need to get home, now." 

We started walking towards are house and we finally arrived. I opened the front door. "I need to call mom and tell her what happened." I said. Once I got of the phone with her I decided to shower. I finished showering and went to my room and watched Netflix. You fell asleep while watching your movie.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I also have another book called 111 years check that out its a Klaus x reader also

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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