✨Eddie x Juicy x Narrator: Late night surprises (SMUT)

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A/N: Hello, future author here! Currently in the process of editing and improving this book, sorry if some parts have changed. Hope you enjoy :)

Narrator's (Grant's) POV
I yawned, stretching my arms out on Eddie's soft, leather couch. After a long day of recording with the other two boys, my eyelids grew heavy and my shoulders slumped from my horrible sleep schedule.

These last few days I had spent with Gaege and Eddie were some of the best. I felt like we were much closer than we were before, something I always treasured when my friends and I spent time together.

Eddie shifted beside me on the couch, leaning back as we watched the anime showing on the screen. We were trying to introduce it to Gaege, who had no idea what was going on since we were already halfway through the show. Juicy sat with his legs crossed on the floor and had some blankets stacked below him like a cushion as he leaned back on the couch.

He was fidgeting with his black beanie between his fingers, resting his head between our legs before noticing my yawn. "Is someone already tired?" Juicy joked teasingly, giving me a smile when he looked up at me. "Come on, Narrator. It's barely midnight."

My sleep schedule had been fucked up recently. I had been recording with the Australians for a while before going to Eddie's house, so I had been going to sleep at different times. I was only living off of about two hours of sleep when I made it to Eddie's house. I was lucky enough to have Juicy pick me up before we left.

"I'm usually awake at this time," I explained to him, another yawn escaping my lips. "But since you two are always up in the morning, I've been getting less sleep."

Eddie patted my shoulder with a reassuring grin. It was probably the first time he had pried his eyes off the flashing television screen since we started playing the anime. "It's okay dawg. Juicy and I can stay up and finish this episode while you sleep."

I crossed my arms before pouting, "But I like this anime. I thought only you and me watch this one, Eddie!"

"Wow, I feel so included, Grant."

"You know that's not what I meant, Juicy." I answered, ignoring Gaege's comment before looking back at Eddie. "I'm jealous, okay?"

"Narrator, don't be jealous," Eddie teased, giving me a side smile. "Don't worry. Next time you come over to my house, we'll watch it together."

"Promise?" I said to him, making my blue eyes as big as possible. "Oh, don't give me that look," Eddie laughed before saying, "Yes, yes. I promise."

After secretly fist pumping in the air with a smile, I peeked my head into Eddie's bedroom before realizing there was only one air mattress on the floor. I had completely forgotten about the agreement of two people sleeping together, and my eyes darted between Eddie's bed and the air mattress shoved into the other side of the room.

"Fuck that," I muttered to myself before flopping onto the air mattress with a groan. "No way in hell am I doing that." I knew for a fact that Gaege had a secret crush on Eddie, it was pretty obvious even if Eddie didn't know it yet. The way Gaege's face lights up when Eddie enters a room or the way he stands close to him everywhere we go told me he was falling for Eddie... hard.

I threw a blanket over me, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep without another thought. Eddie and Gaege could figure it out anyway.

Eddie's POV
It was already twenty minutes since Narrator fell asleep. Gaege decided to take his spot on the couch since his ass started hurting from sitting on the floor for too long. He was surprisingly close to me, but I didn't mind. Gaege had always hyped me up or comforted me out of all the boys.

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