Chapter 20 : The Boy Born With Everything

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"So everyone are you ready ?" V ask.

"Hell Yeah !!!"

"Let's go!!!"

"Start it already !" Everyone cheers. V smiles and then the screen lit up.

Title screen ‘The Boy Born with Everything’

"Huh ? 'The Boy Born With Everything' ? But Midoriya is not that lucky weren't he ?" Spinner said.

"Hmm maybe this title is not for Midoriya." Kurogiri said.

“Everyone let'd take a rest before continuing the afternoon festivities! See ya!” Present Mic announced as people poured out of the stadium.

‘Faculty and Student Entrance’

“So, what did you want to talk about?” Midoriya asked Todoroki, who just glared at him.

"Huh Todoroki kun wanted to meet you Deku kun ?" Melissa asked with a confused face. Which is adorable for our Midoriya.

"U-Um you will know M-Melissa san." He said with a red face.

"Wait don't tell me Todoroki kun gonna confess to him!" Yelled one of the BL fangirls.

'What The Fuck!?' Bakugo thought confusedly. He then looks at the girl with a 'seriously?' face.

"Hmmm interesting....." Mina mutter as she imagine her boyfriend doing some 'action' with Todoroki.......What the fuck is wrong with her.

"I assured you that I'm straight." Todoroki said.

"Umm what does she mean by confess? Me and Todoroki are a male right ? Shouldn't a relationship must be between girls and boys ? I'm so confused." Midoriya asked V.

'N-No way ! He's too pure!' V and Nino shocked. V looks at his girlfriend hoping for some help. Nino notice this and she told him everything about BL/yaoi and of course GL/yuri.

Immediately Midoriya blush.

'I shouldn't asked!' Midoriya said.

"D-Deku are not interested in man right?!" Melissa asked while holding him.

"W-What no! No I'm not !" He flustered. Melissa smile and hug him tighter.

"That's a relief...."

The two stared at each other.

“I-If we don’t hurry, the cafeteria will probably be really crowded…” Midoriya said, nervously to Todoroki, who still said nothing, making Midoriya gulp.

‘He gives off a cold intimidation, different from Kacchan…’ Midoriya sweated.

"Huh?! What do you mean different from me huh!" Bakugo asked/shouted Midoriya.

"W-Well Kacchan you gave very VERY intimidating aura." Midoriya said while everyone nodded.

“I was overpowered… So much that I broke my pledge.” Todoroki finally spoke.

Midoriya looked down at Todoroki’s left arm, realizing, ‘He didn’t use it even if it would be to his advantage… His left side…’

Todoroki pulled his left hand out of his pocket, looking at it as he explained, “Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami, Uraraka… None of them felt it. At that last instant, I was the only one was was overpowered. Only me, who had experienced All Might’s full power up close.”

“What… What does that mean?” Midoriya asked nervously.

“It means I felt something similar coming from you.” Todoroki answered, making Midoriya’s eyes widen. Moving his left hand to look at Midoriya, Todoroki narrowed his eyes, asking,

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