Tubbo and House. Chp. 2

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A/n: I like this story so far! But reminder that the people in this are part of there canon characters is the Dsmp. I will tell you what they have that they share with there canon characters.

He has One Green eye, he ender walks sometimes, and has slightly pointy ears

His hair covers his eyes, Both of them. And has goat ears.

TW:Mention of paranoia, jet lag (if this needs a warning), and caps/yelling

Ranboo's Pov.

I wake up to a tap on my shoulder. I look over and see Charlie "the plane landed. I though I should wake you up" I laugh nervously.

I stand up and there shorter then me but there like 6'0 about. They put there hand out and I grab it and shake it. "Who knows maybe I'll meet you again" I nod and smile.

"CHARLIE HURRY UP!" I hear someone shout. The person in-front of me let's go of my hand and ran off waving bye.

I sigh and get up, grab my bag, off the plane and go get my suitcase. I take out my phone going down an escalator about to text Tubbo but when I had to step of the escalator I looked up and saw a sign on a table that read 'waiting for boo'

(Thanks to my irl friend for coming up with the sign idea)

I was confused if it was went for me and went closer and saw Tubbo asleep on a chair his head resting on his arms his arms on the table.

I smile under my mask and shake Tubbo's shoulder lightly not wanting him to wake up to an aggressive shake.

I saw him move slightly and I retract my hand and his head sits up and I think he's looking at me? I don't know his hair is covering his eyes.

"Ranboo?" He said tiredly. It's fair considering he did just wake up. "The one and only" suddenly he practically jumps out his seat.

"Oh my god is it really you? Where's your glasses? How was the flight? What happened to the person you sat next to? Do you have money?"

Lots of questions "Calm down Tubbo. First yes it's is me. Second my glasses are in my bag. Third the flight was alright. Forth the person went with there dad. Fifth why do you want to know?" I partly wanted to say Tubbo sounded like my mom with all the questions but didn't.

"I just need to knowwwwwww show me your wallet!" Confused I reach into my Jean pocket and pull out my wallet opening and showing it to Tubbo.

Tubbo his head over it and reaches his hand in. I was about to pull it away until Tubbo took his hand out and held a 1 dollar bill.

"It's like movie money!" He said. I was consider and started laughing a bit. "Movie money?" Tubbo nodded folding the dollar neatly putting it in his pocket. "Imma frame this"

I started laughing harder putting one hand on my face. "Oh my gosh.." I pulled my hand away and put my wallet away.

"You need help with your suitcase?" Tubbo said pointing to my suitcase. I shook my head no. "Alright well my moms waiting in the car outside."

I nod and he starts walking. A part of me wants to grab his hand but I don't want to make him uncomfortable. He did said he wasn't a touchy person.

We walk out and Tubbo points to a car telling me that's what car his mom is waiting in.

We make it to my car and Tubbo helps out with putting my suitcase in the trunk and after we close the trunk of the car I sit in the back seat and Tubbo sits across from me.

"Hey Ranboo! I'm Tubbo's mom it's nice to meet you." The woman in-front of me spoke not turning her head. I smile nervously "you to"

"Tubbo talks a lot about you" I didn't even realize but someone else was there. They sat in the passenger seat in front Tubbo. "Lani by the way. Tubbo sister nice to meet you"

I nod and look down at the car floor. The car starts moving and Tubbo starts telling about stream ideas but I was tired. Most likely jet lag.

I managed to stay awake the whole the car ride. I didn't want to fall asleep because I didn't want to seem rude falling asleep while Tubbo is talking to me.

We eventually made it to the house and I sigh in relief. It took a minute for Tubbo to realize we were at the house.

Tubbo's mom and Lani stayed in the car while me and Tubbo went to the back of the car. I said he didn't have to carry anything but he insisted he carried my bag and I couldn't say no.

He grabbed my bag and put it over his shoulder and I grab my suitcase and I close the trunk. Tubbo waves bye to his mom and Lani and we walk in the house him complaining my bag was heavy which was kinda funny and made me smile.

"So it's four months right?" Tubbo said putting my bag down on the couch. "We went over this. 4 months" Tubbo did this a lot. Checking over, And over, and over again. Maybe it was paranoia in some way I don't know.

"Alright I'll show you your room" I nodded and he picked up my bag again and we walked across a hallway and he opened a door that had a bedroom in it. A closet, a bed, a kind of desk area, and two bedside tables beside the bed.

Tubbo walks in putting the bag on the bed and walked out the door. "The bathroom is the door to the right and my room is the door after it." I smile "thanks Tubbo." He smiled "no problem"

He walks off and I walk in my room putting my suitcase down unzipping it grabbing things like my toothbrush, hairbrush, things that go in the bathroom.

With all the stuff in hand I walk out the room and to the bathroom and put my stuff in the right place. I walk out and see Tubbo eating something.


A/N:Imma leave it on a cliffhanger because I'm evil >:D I know it's a very not very exciting moment to stop but sue me (this is a joke I am broke)

I'm going to be working on this so bare with me

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