Ch.1: A baby?!

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Kotoko's pov:

Where am I? I hear some hushed murmurs. It sounds like Okaasan...

I finally gained the strength to force open my eyes. Am I at home? Okaasan, Yuki-kun, Tousan, and Otousan were surrounding me, all with worry in their eyes.

"Ah, she opened her eyes!" said Yuki-kun

"You're right! Kotoko-chan, you're conscious, right?" Okaasan cried before hurrying out of the room "Onii-chan...Onii-chan! Kotoko-chan...Kotoko-chan woke up!"

"Mama, calm down! Calm down!" Otousan comforted

I slowly sat up, still dazed and confused. What happened? I only remember being with Irie-kun at the hospital before my vision got blurry..."Ah...I..."

Okaasan rushed back to my side "Kotoko-chan! You collapsed at the hospital!" she explained. "Onii-chan carried you back from the hospital." Yuki-kun added. "and you've been asleep ever since! We were so worried! It's great that you finally woke up!" Okaasan sighed in relieve

Ah. I remember now. I was insisting on going to help Irie-kun with the emergency patient when my vision suddenly got blurry and I collapsed. I wonder who ended up helping the patient if Irie-kun carried me home..."Sorry, I worried everyone"

" made us so worried!" sniffed Tousan as his eyes welled up with tears. Otousan put a reassuring hand on his back and smiled " Everything is fine now isn't it, Ai-chan?"

Okaasan pulled me into a hug and cried. "Sorry, Kotoko-chan! You caught our flue! And on top of that, you were working without rest at the hospital!", she then pulled away to face me and grabbed my hand giving them a gentle squeeze" While also taking care of us all at the same time. I'm so have you suffer like that."

"It's nothing like that Okaasan!" I smiled as I put my other hand on top of hers "I'm fine now since I've gotten my sleep! I'll be fine tomorrow after I take some flu medicine now!"

"Really Kotoko-chan?" Okaasan asks with worry

"Yes, I'm fine! Don't worry!" I smiled cheerfully as I reached over to my nightstand for the bottle of flu medication. "Then I'll go get you some water, alright?" said Okaasan. "Yes, thank you!". As Okaasan was walking out of the room, Irie-kun walked in.

I was taking the medicine bottle out of the box when Irie-kun put his hand over the bottle, stopping me. "Don't take it" he says, I look up at him confused "huh?". "Don't take it yet" Irie-kun says as he took the bottle out of my hands. Oh. "I'm sorry I worried you Irie-kun. But I'm absolutely fine now! Somehow I just blacked out..." I laughed gently before he asked me a surprising question.

"Kotoko...when was your last period?"

I look at Irie-kun shocked, why would he ask that? Something personal too in front of everyone! "W-why do you ask?" I ask dumbfounded. "That's right, Onii-chan!" Okaasan hissed. But...that is a great question...WHEN was my last period? I've been so busy working at the hospital that I haven't really realized that I haven't had my period in a while. I've been feeling a bit feverish and nauseous lately too, but isn't it both regular flu symptoms?

"Are you...pregnant?" Irie-kun asked the question that made the entire room go silent before everyone gasped and screamed.


My eyes widened. Missed periods, fever, and nausea. They're all symptoms of pregnacy. I looked up at Irie-kun, his eyes slightly softened, it's like he could tell what's going through my mind. " I think...there is a possibility that...I could be pregnant?" I said slowly, still processing the new information.

"KOTOKO-CHAN IS PREGNANT?!?! ONII-CHAN IS IT TRUE?!??!" exclaimed Okaasan as she lost balance and collapsed into Otousan's arms.

"I can't say for sure, I might be wrong, but looking at the symptoms. Kotoko might be pregnant. We will go to the hospital tomorrow to confirm." said Irie-kun as he set the medicine down on the nightstand. "But for now, Kotoko needs to rest."

"Alright. Go to the hospital to confirm tomorrow. But Kotoko..." Tousan's voice cracked as his eyes filled up with tears again "Your Kaasan must be jumping with joy up in heaven right now with the possibility of a grandchild." he sobbed

"wAhhh Ai-channn, why are you crying? This is happy news!" Otousan smiled, crying himself

"But you're crying too Papa!" Okaasan smiled before also breaking down into tears

"Mama, you shouldn't talk about other people when you're the same way" Yuki-kun sighed as he walked out of the room.

"Ok, can everyone please get out now so Kotoko can rest?" Irie-kun says with a hint of annoyance in his eyes as he ushered everyone out of the room, and closed the door behind them. " *sigh* I told them that I can't say for sure. I hope they don't get overly excited and be disappointed if we find out that I was wrong tomorrow."

A baby? I placed a hand on my stomach and looked down. So many thoughts are running through my head, I'm starting to feel a little bit light-headed. But could I actually be pregnant? The last time Irie-kun and was on my birthday almost two months ago, it's mid-November now. And I haven't had my period since then...

"Ouch!" I snapped out of my thoughts when Irie-kun flicked my forehead

"Stop overthinking things. Get some rest, we will find out tomorrow." Irie-kun said as he pushed me down and tucked me in.

" you really think I might be pregnant? I-I mean, I also think I might be...b-but I was wrong last time!" I stammered shooting back up only to be pushed back down by Irie-kun again. "I already told you, we will find out tomorrow. But for now, just rest." Irie-kun sighed and patted my head before leaving the room.

I stared at the ceiling as a million thoughts ran through my head. Could I really be pregnant? If I am...I placed a hand on my stomach and smiled. If I am actually pregnant...that would be really great. I fell asleep to the thought of a cheerful little Irie-chan running around the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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