♡4♡ Conversation with the bois!

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🔥Solazar pov🔥
Y/N:''Sure,Why not!''
Damn it....
She began to get an extra chair in order to sit at our table...
Y/N:''*sits down* So,what do we talk about first?''
A:''As I said, let's get to know each other better.~''
Y/N:''Alright, I'm (Y/N)(L/N),I'm the owner of this café and I like to make sure everyone feels comfortable.''
A:''Well (Y/N), I'm Agoti....you may have heard of me.~''
Y/N:''Well,no I have not....I tend to judge people by how they act,not by fame or status....''
Fascinating......most people don't see things that way.....
Y/N:''And you?''
Oh fuck uh-
S:''*ahem* I'm Solazar, Agoti's manager and adoptive father....''
♡Y/N pov♡
Woah..manager AND father?! That's interesting...
After introducing ourselves, we started to get to know each other better,like knowing hobbies,interests,etc.
Now that I think about it, Solazar is pretty attractive.....His blue color,serious nature,soothing voice.....He's-
E: ''Miss (L/N),There's a problem with table 14!!!''
Y/N:''Looks like there's a problem, gotta go!''
I start following my employee to the problem...
🔥Solazar pov🔥
As (Y/N) starts to leave, Agoti starts to talk....
A:''Seems like something special's gonna happen sooner or later~...''
S:''Be quiet,please.....''
Dammit he's planning something, isn't he?.......

♡♡'Sup my loyal followers, here's the new chapter.... it's 4:53 am.....and I have no clue what the hell I'm doing..feel free to comment what you like........♡♡

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