he deserves the world 🥺💔

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what you wore:

what you wore:

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as we were walking down Mattia was acting a little strange

Ale: tia are you ok 

Mat: not calling me bubs anymore 

Ale: i didnt know if you wanted me to since you are mad at me 

Mat: right so how did your bestie date go 

Ale: it was fun and you what did you do 

Mat: well we watched a movie than played some basketball

Ale: cool well lets go they are probably waiting 

he nodded and walked down the rest of the stairs and to our surprise they were still bringing food in 

Larray: how much food did you order 

Alexis: idk but it cost $153.34

Issa: you bitch

Ro: how are we gonna finish all this food 

Kai: can we invite some friends over 

Alexis: yea sure meanwhile ill set up the food brb 

Larray's POV: 

Kai: im gonna invite Anna Rob and Ayiana 

Mattia: i miss hanging out with rob 

Ro: same dude

Larray: girls you invited girls ok sure 

Issa: maybe rob is cute 

Mattia: are all of you guys this jealous 

Issa: im not jealous just curious 

Kai: well to bad you cant find out cuz your mine 

Ro: and you are mine ~grabs Larray~

Mat: wait but wat about bubs 

Issa: Alexis? 

Mat: ~nods~

Larray: well depends like if you're dating and another girl goes up to you and is being flirty she would shut her down faster than a snap of a finger 

Issa: but if you're just someone she likes and a girl goes up to you than she'll back off if you're also flirting back cuz if you're happy she's happy

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