"Oh no this can't be happening!? I have to get out of here before its to late. Come one you idiot wake up!!" My body laid motionless on the bed, but on the inside I was screaming and kicking. I had to wake up or that lady will kill me! I kept trying finally I woke up. I looked around to see if she was anywhere in sight. She wasn't. Which was a good sign. I started taking IVs out and stood up. I wouldn't let her get me if it was the last thing I did. I took my first step and smiled. Good I have enough energy to leave. I made it to the door and down the hall before I was caught. The doctor grabbed me and dragged me back to the room kicking. By the time we had gotten to the room he had a bloody nose and a bruised eye. When I was 11 I took karate classes. Its a good thing to. They really paid off. I got free and ran for the door. I got outside when I saw her. She was talking with Eli while he smoked. I gasped and ran I grabbed Eli's hand as I ran. He jerked towards me and dropped his cigarette. I got a taxi and got in. I let out a sigh of relief once inside. I was free. Free from the lady and free from the gross hospital food.
My life with a criminal
Mistério / Suspenseit was just an average day at school for Alexandria until she got a text before she knew it she was thrown into something thats out of this world.