Dancing to the wind - Kiba

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Kiba belongs to @Arishyna (sorry if I got username wrong)
Also this story takes place before the mutants of tomorrow fanfic.
Kiba woke up to the sound of training coming from downstairs. She stepped out of bed, pulled on her skirt and flower headband and slowly crept downstairs to her parents dojo.
She opened the door a bit to see her mother and father sparring. Every time she watched them, their sparring seemed to be filled with both hatred AND love. In a good way, she meant. Since from what she was told, that's how it always was with them from the start...
"Kiba?" Leonardo asked noticing her through the door, as his swords were clashing with Karai's. Her husbands distraction gave Karai the advantage, as she slid through his legs, grabbed his right arm and pushed him on the ground.
"Karai, agh, let go of me!" Leo croaked.
"Say it first," Karai teased.
"Cant you just let me go and take the win?"
"All you have to do is say the word."

Leo sighed, "uncle."
"What's that? Couldn't hear you," Karai said, still holding him tight by the arm.
"UNCLE!" Leo shouted exasperated.
"That's all I needed to hear."
Karai let go of Leo's arm, and Leo got up reluctantly.
"How'd i know you'd trick me with that move again?" Leo said teasing. "Because you're terrible at keeping focused whenever you're training with me?" Karai answered giggling.
"Well how could I not be distracted," Leo said putting his hands around her hips and pulling her closer, "when I'm fighting probably the prettiest and deadliest Kunoichi in Japan."
"Uh, mom? Dad?" Kiba asked walking into the room, interrupting the moment.
"Oh, Kiba!" Karai said flustered as she and Leo quickly broke from each other, "What are you doing up my little sakura?"
"I heard you training in the dojo from upstairs," Kiba answered.
Leo and Karai glanced at each other with a look of embarrassment.
"Well, Now that you're up, we might as well get started with YOUR training," Leo said taking her by the arm, "you're not gonna lead your cousins in a fight unless we get you strong and prepared."
"Oh, right..." Kiba answered disappointedly.
It was the same routine almost every day. Another training session, another inspiring lecture from Dad, and another day afterward spent by the Sakura tree behind the house, practicing her movements where no one could see her.
Kiba often preferred the quiet sound of peace the Japanese wind made. It was as if it traveled halfway around Japan, spreading peace, comfort, and enlightenment wherever it was blown. 'If only I could work like the wind,' she would often say to herself.
"As a leader, you must attempt to understand the best tactic possible in a fight, in order to make sure you get your team out alive," Leo explained walking around her slowly, "To prepare you for the day a fight will come, I've convinced your uncle Donnie to lend us some holograms from work. You'll train with THEM this time."
With that, Leo placed a small Utrom contraption on the ground, and a strange Kraang related monster was projected from it. It towered over Kiba and snarled. Even as a hologram it still looked painfully strong.
"Ready?" Leo asked.
Kiba nodded.
The monster charged at Kiba roaring, but with Kiba still standing as still and calm as a statue. The creature threw a punch at her, but Kiba simply moved speedily and gracefully out of the way. She weaved herself in and out of the creatures attacks like a peace of thread, keeping her motions balanced and calm the whole way. The creature seemed a lot more agitated than before, and attempted more aggressively to get its hands around her. When it roared a final time, this time louder and more chaotic, Kiba simply hissed shortly back, exposing her fangs and forked tongue for a moment, before sitting down on her knees in front of it, in a meditative posture.
The creature looked down confused and flustered, as if it had forgotten whether it wanted to hit her or not.
"It's ok," Kiba said looking up at it with a docile expression, " violence will not help you feel powerful or in control, it will only show the weakest side of you that you are not willing to accept."
She held her hand out towards it, "see? You must have trust."
Before the creature could reach out however, the hologram was turned off, revealing her father in the background with a slightly disappointed expression on his face.
"What?" Kiba asked him confused.
Leo walked over and kneeled down in front of her. "Kiba...sweetheart..." he said, "what you just did...that...wasn't ninjitsu."
"What do you mean that wasn't ninjitsu?" Kiba answered respectfully, "I fought the creature, and in the end I defeated it, that's how a fights supposed to go right?"
" But you never threw ANY of the moves we practiced," her father answered, this time looking a bit annoyed, "your enemies in the future could be far stronger and intelligent than just a simple hologram, and therefore you won't be able to outdo them with only dodging their attacks."
He stood up and looked down on her with an serious look, "and mercy is a dangerous path to follow for a ninja. Not every enemy can be disarmed so easily with only kind words. Some will choose to take advantage of that kindness, and use it to turn your own thoughts against you, or worse force you to put your whole team in harms way."
Kiba looked down sadly for a moment. "But what about you?" She answered hurt, "where would I be now if YOU hadn't looked at the enemy right in the eye, no matter what they did or who they were against, and STILL seen the good in them, and never giving up on them to try and find it themselves?"
Leo looked surprised for a moment at his daughter's response, "That was a choice i made when I was still learning the rights and wrongs of being a ninja. Though I won't deny it led to a life I cherish more than anything, it also led to grave mistakes and failures that put my family in more danger."
Kiba stood up and looked at her father with a strong stare, "well, if being the leader means that being who I am will do nothing but put my family in danger, then I don't want to lead."
She started to walk out, but Leo grabbed her shoulder stopping her.
" That's like saying you don't want to be a Hamato," he told her, "remember what your grandfather always said, being a leader is not about being appreciated, it's about keeping your team out of disaster."
Kiba glared at her father, "that may be true, but from what you've told me, he also said that we all have different parts to play in our lives, and different fates set for each of us. And I know leading the others isn't and will never be my part to take."
"I know you think that," Leo answered, almost pleading, "But you've never even lead your cousins once, how can you know?"
Kiba sighed,"I don't know, I just...know," she took her fathers hand away from her shoulder, "and deep down, you have to know too."
She walked out of the dojo and closed the door, leaving her father alone in silence.
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Leo left the dojo a few minutes after, and headed to his and Karai's bedroom, where he found Karai sharpening her katanas on the bed.
"Your done with training a little early, don't you think?" Karai teased from the bed. Leo didn't answer and just sat down glumly on the end of the bed.
Karai noticed immediately there was something wrong. She crawled over to end of the bed and sat next to him.
"What went wrong this time?" She asked concerned.
"It's Kiba, Karai," he answered, "I tried to train her with a hologram but..." his voice trailed off, "she just didn't fight it the way splinter raised me and my brothers to fight. She looked almost like she was dancing, graceful and peaceful, more than fighting like an actual ninja. Then she just stopped right in the middle of the fight, sat down right in front of it and attempted to talk to it instead! It's almost like she forgot how to be a ninja, and everything we've taught her!"
Leo then stood up from the bed and walked to the window, "and then...she...she told me...she didn't want to be the leader if it meant that being herself would hurt her team."
Leo sighed and breathed deeply to calm himself, "I just want to protect her from the truth. Because the truth is, not every enemy deserves a second chance. The enemy will take that chance and abuse it, poisoning your thoughts until you can't tell what's the right thing to do. I don't want to see our daughter face that truth."
Leo put her hand on Leo's shoulder making him look at her.
"You gave ME a second chance," she reminded him solemnly, "And look where you took me because of it. If it wasn't for that choice and judgement of yours, I would still be a slave to that selfish tyrant. An enemy may not be easy to reason or to sympathise with, but if you put that trust in them, they'll feel wanted and listened to. That's what I needed, Even if I never knew it, and you never gave up on me to help me realise that."
Leo smiled at her full of love. She smiled back. He pulled her in closer and they hugged each other tightly.

Kiba sat underneath the Sakura tree, her head in her hands. This time the warmth of the Tokyo sun gave her no warmth or comfort. But she wouldn't let her fathers mindset ruin her time alone.
She stood up and breathed in and out slowly, trying to search for a state of calm.
She felt her feet start to move across the ground, making almost perfect circles on the grass. Her hands and arms started to join in, swaying back and forth, as if they were weak branches of a tree being blown this way and that by the wind.
She felt the world around her start to fall away slowly with each movement. She remembered her fathers words.
"Your enemies will be much stronger and intelligent than a hologram..."
"Not every enemy can be so easily disarmed with only kind words..."
"They will you use you turn your own thoughts against you, or worse put your whole team in harms way..."
Kiba stopped dancing. She collapsed on her knees, and dug her hands into the ground in frustration.
"Well...if it's a fighter they want," Kiba said to herself, "guess either way...I don't have a choice."
Her hands turned into their snake form. A feeling started boiling inside her. She surged upwards on her feet and struck the front of the tree trunk in anger. The front was mangled and broken from the snakes fangs, as Kiba stared at the mark in shame.
Kiba that day would find that peace, comfort, and trust were not always the answer to the way of Ninja. To her, it was easier to injure and fight without mercy, than risk her families safety, or hers, because of showing trust and foolishness towards the enemy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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