Chapter 8

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Joshua sat on his bed listening to Humphrey working on the dishes in the space down below. The man had sent him up to get ready for bed and now he had a decision to make: briefs or diapers. Mr. Smith had promised him that diapers would be more comfortable and now his curiosity was getting the best of him. He went to the top of the stairs and listened. It seemed that he had time so he laid the diaper down flat on the bed, and sat on it. 

The soft flannel lining felt wonderful beneath him and his member came to attention as a result. He wiggled his butt and the plastic liner crinkled. He smiled to himself and brought the diaper up between his legs. Mr. Smith was right, wearing a diaper felt terrific. The gathers around his legs tickled his inner thighs and his boner strained against the fabric, yearning to break free. He rubbed his crotch and moaned.

Then he jumped. A plate crashed to the floor and Humphrey let out a naughty word as a result. Snapping back to reality, Joshua quickly removed the garment and tried to put it back in its place, in its previous condition. He hurried to put on the double-back briefs and blanket sleeper and dove under the covers just as the man started up the stairs.

Mr. Smith noticed the discrepancy immediately but kept a poker face. He sat on Joshua's bed and attempted to ruff up his hair. Joshua flinched and avoided contact. "Well, Joshua," he sighed, "ordinarily, you would be in the bathtub right now playing with your toys. Just a heads up. I don't want you to be threatened by that."

Joshua pulled the blanket up over his head and turned toward the wall. "Anyway, tomorrow is Saturday so you can sleep in". Humphrey turned off the light, a decidedly juvenile lamp with a wooden teddy bear for a base and a lampshade decorated with teddy bears and Raggedy Ann dolls, and said goodnight.

Joshua woke in the middle of the night with an irresistible urge to wear the diaper again. He laid still, listening carefully for any hint that his boss was still awake. A good fifteen minutes passed with nothing but gentle snoring coming from the other room. He got up as quietly as he could and shed his clothes. He put the all-in-one diaper back on and snapped it shut. He was in heaven again. He laid back down and massaged the outside of the garment.

Massaging his member, his thighs began to quiver. He tried to keep from cumming as long as he could. The sensations coursing through his body were beyond anything he had experienced before. His legs were twitching as if electric paddles had been attached to them and then, all at once, he ejaculated explosively inside the garment. He was out of his mind with pleasure.

He laid on his bed, panting furiously as he listened for the slightest sound that would have indicated his master had stirred. Hearing nothing but gentle snoring, he closed his eyes and gently stroked his member into submission.  He was on his back and the thick diaper between his legs meant that they were bowed out to either side. He put his thumb in his mouth and his other hand gathered the diaper up into his crotch creating an enormous bulge there.

He had every intention of putting the diaper back where he found it and pretending the whole thing never happened...eventually. For now, he just wanted to bask in the glory of it all. And that's how Mr. Smith found him when he came in to check on Joshua early the next morning.

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