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after long day of reading i was flying back to my home but stopped when i saw light turned on in tink's house.which means she's doing something.i better check it out.

i flew over to her door and without knocking i let myself in.i closed the door and saw she was cutting thick green leaf.she smiled sheepishly when i put my hands on my hips.

she must have noticed that i was going to scold her so she walked over to me."before you say anything,i'm gonna tell you the truth.i am making a coat so i can go to the winter woods to see a keeper who wrote a book about wingology.i borrowed it from the library but the page was eaten by book worms so i have to go to him."she rambled.it is wonder that i understood her.

i nodded slowly and nodded my head to the thick leaf."you have another one,possibly in orange or yellow?"

"y-yeah i do.but why?"i looked at her with my 'are you serious' look and she smiled."you will really help me?"

"well of course,what are best friends for?if my friend says that her wings are sparkling i'm gonna help to figure it out with her."she hugged me and almost knocked me down but i managed to regain my balance.

we spent the whole night making the coats and by the sunrise they were ready.we carefully put our wings in which was a bit of a problem for me since they're quite big but i folded them carefully.i grabbed tink's bag which had our gloves and the book about wings.when i turned around i heard her fall and i laughed.i pulled her up and fixed her hair."we have to walk.come one,the owls should be arriving soon."

we ran to the workshop,careful of our surroundings.if anyone caught us i don't even want to imagine the lecture they would all give me.especially the minister of spring.he is the strictest out of all of them but i know he loves me and thinks of me like a daughter.

we ran to the baskets and i pulled out a hook attached to the rope and tossed it up.it caught hold so i climbed up quietly.i could hear clank and bobble talking.i climbed in and tink started to climb.

"tink?"shit.i looked down and saw clank and bobble looking at the two of us.

"we already checked that basket."bobble said.i huffed as tink jumped down.

"why are you dressed all cozy?"clank asked her.

"i'm going to the winter woods.lea is helping me."the both gasped and bobble asked,quite loudly."the winter woods?"i shushed him.we didn't want anybody finding out.we were about to explain but we heard a horn and saw owls flying and picking up the baskets.

"tink,quickly."i told her.she started to climb up and i pulled her in when she was on top.

clank and bobble flew after us and put their hands on the edge."tink!lea! wait!"

"you can't cross the border.your wings!"

"don't worry. they're in coats."i told them.

"does this have to do with the..."clank started but the owl flying really close to the ground scared him.our basket was nearing the top."the sparkling?"

"yes. there's somebody in winter who can tell me what it means."tink told them.

"clank! bobble! is something wrong with that basket?"tink and i sat down in the basket while clank and bobble turned around.they turned their attention again to the owl as it picked up another basket.

bobble shot tink a nervous glance and she looked at him pleadingly.they couldn't give us away now when we are so close.


"i just have to do this."

clank and bobble turned their attention back to fairy mary and stammered."uh, no. everything is, uh, fine."bobble chuckled nervously.

"we're just sad to see it go."clank said and stroked the basket top."pretty basket."

"oh! honestly. let it go!"i laughed at that.

they released their hold on the basket, and one by one the snowy owls swooped down to collect the deliveries.tinker bell peeked over the edge.

we got to the top and i heard fairy mary say that the owl was a beginner.oh no.the owl picked our basket up and i peered over the top next to tink.we were heading straight into the wall!we both crouched and braced for impact but it never came.we got back up and saw that we were safe.

we were flying over the autumn forest and i could see the winter woods and border.it grew closer and closer.the owl swiftly flew in the winter woods knocking our hoods down.we shivered but i didn't mind the cold as much as i thought i would.honestly it felt nice against my cheeks.

"we made it."tink said happily.i took her hand into mine and smiled.we heard a voice so we quickly ducked down.

"a winter fairy."tink said.

"you ready for the drop-off?"i heard a deep voice with weird accent ask.the owl squawked and the guy spoke again."come on. you did it yesterday. you'll be fine."the owl squawked at him again so i guess the guy could understand it.

"all right then. here we go."

the guy flew away so tink and i got back up.i saw that the owls were dropping the baskets on the snow covered hill.this is going to be a bumpy ride.

our basket lurched to one side as the owl got ready to release it.tink was thrown against the edge before i could catch her and she accidentally hit the snowflake release lever.instantly, the trapdoor at the bottom of his basket sprang open.i grabbed the top so i wouldn't fall while tink grabbed the bottom.her satchel started to slide but i quickly snatched it up close to me.but the basket rocked to and fro.tink started to roll toward the open trapdoor herself and grabbed the edge of the opening just before she would have fallen through, and with all her strength and a bit of my help,she pulled herself back up and closed the trapdoor.

our basket was still rocking and suddenly the owl released the basked and we were sent into the other baskets.it turned over and i saw it managed to hit other baskets full of snowflakes.

thankfully nobody spotted us.i went to check out if anyone was looking so we could sneak out and i felt tink pulling on my sleeve.i turned to her and she pointed out of the basket.i gasped when i saw the book was laying few meters out of the basket.

just then a owl flew over us.

"lord milori."

what?i think that's the name of the lord of the winter woods.great.while tink went to grab the book i went to see the lord.i am curious how he looks.i leaned over the edge to get a look at him.i looked around me carefully and then looked at the lord.he was turned sideways so i could see half of his face.from where i could see he was very handsome.longer white hair and the top pulled back.he was definitely taller than me.

i watched for few more seconds until lord crouched down and took something.oh no.the book.he gave it to the black haired guy who flew away.i was still watching the lord as he climbed on his owl.wouldn't it be easier if he used his wings?

"lea,come one.we have to follow him to the keeper!"tink pulled on my sleeve and i turned my gaze away from the handsome lord.we ran into the woods and followed the black haired guy to the cave with large beautiful doors.we waited until he left and then got in.

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