Sarah fiers hand

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Alice opened the bag and pulled out a skeleton hand "what is it?" Ziggy asked "it's Sarah fiers lost hand" Alice told her "nurse lane she spent her entire life looking for this a way to stop the curse that took her daughter" Cindy commented

" 'without her hand, her grip on the land holds firm, the curse will last until body and hand unite' "

Alice reads from the book then shows Ziggy and penny "this led us to the hand bone and if the legend is true, that means her body's still buried" Alice was cut off by Ziggy "by the hanging tree" "we can end this" Cindy said "so nobody else will have to die" penny said "yeah no more murders, no more curse, no more pain, we can save shadyside tonight" cindy smiled at Alice.

Ziggy pulled the hand towards her when suddenly her nose started to bleed and she looked like she'd seen a ghost "my nose" she whispered "it bled on the hand and I think I just saw her" Ziggy continued "you what?" Penny asked "who?" Cindy asked "Sarah fier" Ziggy replied "what does that mean? What's gonna happen?" Penny asked Alice "she was, she was angry" Ziggy said "we have to bury this thing right fucking now" Alice told them.

The girls were getting supplies they each had a shovel except Alice "what I have to use my hands?" Alice asked "no you're staying here" Cindy told her "come on, I can hop just fine" Alice told them as she hopped towards the door seeing there expressions she told them

"I watched my dad go to jail when I was six, I watched my mom steal so that I could eat, the first time I cut myself I was twelve it was after.. well you know when and now tonight, I watched your perfect boyfriend turn into a monster and kill the only person I've ever loved, I've waited my whole fucking life for this and now I've found it.. let me see this through.. for Arnie, for tommy and for shadyside" Alice said with tears In her eyes "for shadyside" Cindy agreed "for shadyside" Ziggy nodded "for shadyside" penny smiled

but the smiled disappeared when Cindy suddenly yelled "Alice!" Alice turned around to see tommy slice her through the chest with his axe this made Cindy mad she hit him over the head with her shovel then stabbed him in the neck with it "fucking die!" She yelled as she pushed harder "why won't you fucking die!"she yelled as his head came off of his body.

Penny turned to Ziggy as they both held each other closely "Alice, alice just stay with me Alice" Cindy whispered to the dying alice until her breathing stopped and she was gone "no" Cindy sobbed "Alice" she continued sobbing

In the distance you could hear faint singing "you always hurt the one you love" the person sang "the one" the song continued "what is that?" Ziggy asked "you shouldn't hurt at all" the voice sang "didn't nurse lane say something about her daughter singing?" Penny asked as the singing continued "but ruby lane is dead" Ziggy said "yeah well so was tommy" penny said as she looked over to his body

the girls saw two hands come out of the hole that Alice and Cindy has escaped from "run, run" Cindy yelled as the three girls started running. Ziggy grabbed the shovel but when she did tommy started to move and grabbed her ankle "Ziggy" penny yelled as she grabbed her hand and the girls ran out of the mess hall

"There it is go, go" Cindy yelled as the girls ran to the hanging tree "dig, dig" she demanded as the girls started digging "Cindy" ziggy said and the girls looked over to see

billy barker aka William barker

walking towards them swinging his bat back and forth "just keep digging" Cindy told the girls then Cindy looked over to see

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