chapter 1

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Chapter 1
(Angel pov)
I was getting ready to meet my brother Kelvin, but most people would know him as Kandy muse. I’m going to see him for a makeover on drag race I can’t believe I get to see her doing what she does best. I also can’t wait to be on drag race.
(time skip to on drag race)
As I walk in, I see my brother smile and run and hug me. “I missed you” I heard from in the hug “I missed you too” we walked over to the line. I see 7 other queens. I smile and wave at them. 7 other people walk in. my brother walks we over to a station near 2 other people “hi I’m Angel” I said to them. “gottmik” said the smaller one “tina burner but you know that” a taller one said. “yeah of course I do” I knew tina from in New York I had seen her preform once and she found out I was related to Kandy and talked to me for a while. “I’m Christine” said the girl next to gottmik. “I’m mia” said the girl next to tina. I smile awkwardly I’m not good with new people or places. I fidget with the hem of my skirt I glance around nervously. “you ok kid” I hear my brother say “yeah sorry this is all just a lot” “make sense” I glance up and just hug her it makes me feel safe for once.  “So lets get an outfit that may fit you, you small small human” “im not that small” he then picked me up with one hand ”you’re not small are you, your not” “put me down” I say through giggles. He puts me down and goes to talk to mik I don’t know why but that means im left alone I go back to fidgeting with my skirt. I just feel so overwhelmed. “You ok child” a new voice says. “ye-yeah” I interlay curse “you sure” they say again “im totally fine” “ where’s your brother” “over there” I point over to the corner where Kandy mik and Christine. “well im Olivia if you ever are scared come see me it’ll all be ok” “ok” I show a small smile as she walks off “Angel come here” I hear my brother call from in the corner I skip over
Kandy- “do you think this will fit you” Angel-“probably but can I try it on” Kandy- “yes”
I go to a place to change and change into the outfit it fits perfectly and it looks ok. As I walk out, I hear a gasp I think I’ve done something wrong. I look up and see everyone looking at me. I glance around and run back behind the changing area and then I hear my brother yelling something then I hear my name not from Kandy but mik
Angel-“what do you want”
Mik-  “ can I just say you looked really pretty”
Angel- “ no one else thought so”
Mik- “no they all did that’s why they stared they didn’t mean to upset you they just all thought you were so pretty”
Angel- “yeah sure”
Mik- “they did come on come out” Angel-“no”
I walk out but feel unconfutable “hey sorry we made you scared” I hear a new voice  but it seamed familiar. “I-its fine” I run and hug Kandy. “hey your safe here” she said
Angel- “is it as bad as everyone though”
Kandy- “ what”
Angel- “do I look as bad as everyone else thinks”
Kandy- “ they all liked it they just stared”
Angel- “re-really”
Kandy- ”yeah kid” 
Angel- “im not a kid”
Kandy- “sure you’re not”
Angel- “hey”
I hit him in the arm
Kandy- “ow that hurt”
Angel- “ whole point”
but then rue Paul walked in. I was shocked I’ve always wanted to meet him and now I am. I look around everyone looks so prepared, but I can do this. I see him walking over to us first I grab Kandy’s hand a squeeze it and count to ten and at the end of the ten seconds he’s here. “hello Kandy and angel” he says with a smile “what will you two be wearing”
Kandy- well I have had to steal something from mik because they are about the same size but luckily it looks similar to something I had”
I give a weak smile not to be rude but I’m just nervous.
Ru-“how are you feeling about this”looking at me
Angel- “i-im ok a bit nervous but I will get better by time of the runway ill be fine”
he looks at me like a friend and says “just be confident and you’ll be fine” “yeah” says Kandy as she gives me a side hug “ I can do it” I giggle “ I like your attitude” rue Paul says as he walks away “he likes you” mik says from behind us “he does” I smile so wide and do a little dance making everyone giggle including rue. “ so what do we do now” I say to Kandy “well after rue is done talking to everyone its lunch time” “oh yay I’m hungry”  “then we’ll and more sparkle to the outfit ok” “yeah”
(time skip to lunch)
“So, what’s everyone’s names” I say completely out of character “Utica” a tall ginger person said “isn’t that a town” in reply “how do you know that” said Kandy “ I was valedictorian” I say “wow” said Olivia “ I forgot you were smart pretty popular and creative” Kandy jokes   “she’s definitely pretty” that voice I recognised said and I realised it was Rosé from  Stephine’s child . “they” yelled tina making me and Kandy laugh “oh sorry” he replied “ its ok it is meant to be sisters so you couldn’t tell its fine”  “you’re really sweet” another new voice said” I’m Denali” “that’s a nice name” “thanks” he smiled back. “Im Symone” a tall person say. “I love your accent” I reply. “you are so nice” Everyone else introduced themselves and it was nice we had a burger and fries. I was so hungry I stuffed it in my face. “slow down we don’t want you to die. do you always eat this much this fast” mik says “ yep” I say eating another fries
Mik- “how are you so small then” Angel- medical condition”
Mik- “oh”
Angel- “its fine I eat enough and work out enough to still be healthy”
Mik- “how do you exercise all that off”
Angel- “dance I dance to my own written songs”
Mik- “you write songs and dance that’s awesome”
Angel- “it’s not that good”
Mik- “I’m sure it is”
“ what you two talking about” Kandy yells from across the room
Mik- “that they dance and write songs”
Kandy- “oh yeah they are great”
“shut up” I yell “what will you do” Kandy says “ill-ill do something” “like this” he starts tickling me. We both start laughing. “you two are so cute” Utica giggles “you’re a little nugget” “you mean a small bean” I say “no a nugget” “never heard that one” “well it’s my one” “ that’s cute” I replied as we finished lunch it seemed to go by so fast.  We had to get back to our outfits and I can feel someone’s eyes on me but i ignore it. “so, are we adding glitter” Kandy yells.
Angel- “yeah where’s the glue”
Kandy- “we need glue?”
Angel- “yes you dim whit what  did you expect” 
Kandy- “it to stick”
“magically” I say sarcastically
Kandy- “um ur Fuck”
Angel- “what”
Kandy- “your too smart”
I giggle and see tina and mik whispering something then looking at me. Then I suddenly feel self-conscious and start to fidget with my skirt.   “who made you scared”  Kandy whispered “no one its just I thought tina and mik were whispering and looking at me its stupid” “no its not you should be allowed to nervous but they are probably just nothing” “yeah its all in my head” “I’m just gonna go talk to them about it ok” Kandy walks off and starts whispering to mik and tina and that suddenly makes me feel worse but I stay sat at the table where Kandy left me. I see the hot glue gun across the room, and I skip to go get it. As I get back I see mik walk over to me but I try and ignore him and walk over to Kandy “hey I got a hot glue gun” “you know you should probably talk to mik” “why?” I look at her and wonder what’s going on in her head. “just do please” “ok?” then I walk over to mik “Kandy said to talk to you” “oh yeah sorry about earlier we weren’t talking about you it just sorry” “its ok I probably need to back thought” I walk back to Kandy before he has a chance to answer. “so you two talked” Kandy said to me “yeah now can we add glitter” “got any questions about the competition” Kandy states wanting me to ask questions seeing I was being awkward “any trade and have you tried to date anyone yet” “oh so hes normally like he was with joey with people” rose said “whose joey” “a person your brother tried to date” “ooh was he cute” “very” Kandy replied “so you to create a branjie thing”  “no he was sent home too soon” Kandy pouts. I burst out laughing “sorry shouldn’t laugh but Kandy is acting like a child” “I’m not he was just so cute” “I have to agree he was cute” Utica chimed in. “oh interesting do you think after the completion anything will happen”  “hopefully” Kandy chimes in.

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