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               Kat's pov

I was crying in Quinn's shoulder. I was so hurt by what Finn did to me. I still can't believe he cheated on me. We been together since we were 16. All those years together for nothing. I can't I wasted all is time loving a cheater like him. I knew the hung with that bitch but he told me nothing was going on with them. How long has he been cheating on me? I started to cry harder.
"I'm so stupid. I should have knew he was going to cheat on me with her. She's pretty than me. She's the leader of the soccer team. I'm just some geeky gamer girl. Who would choose me when Brittany is who I have to go up against." I said as hid my face in Quinn's shoulder.
I felt Quinn's arm wrap around me tightly. I felt him kiss me on my forehead. I   My heart skipped a beat when his warm and gentle lips touched my skin. I look up in his soft eyes.
"Don't say things like that, Kat. You're very beautiful. Finn is stupid to choose a whore over a beautiful, sweet, and amazing girl like you. Any guy would be lucky to have you as his. If Finn can't see that then screw him. You deserve better than him. So don't waste your tears on a boy that is to stupid to see what he had." Quinn said softly as wiped my tears away.
I started to feel my heart beat pick up. Quinn is the sweetest person I know. He always makes me feel better when I'm sad. He really is my best friend.
"You're right. Screw Finn. I don't need him. I still have the most amazing best friend. Who needs Finn?" I said as I tried to smile at Quinn.
" That's right. You feel better now? If you feel better I can let you get some rest now." Quinn said as his grip loosen on me.
"I feel better." I said.
"Good. Now I'm going to go chew Finn's ass out again. You should get some sleep." Quinn said as he was about to get up.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to me. He looked at me confused.
"Don't go. I want you to stay alittle longer. Just until I feel asleep. I don't want to be alone." I said as I pouted.
Quinn gave a soft smile. He picked me up and pulled the blanket back. He sat me under the blanket and covered me up. He kicked his shoes off and laid down beside me.
"Of course I'll stay with you. What are friends for?" Quinn said as he looks at me.
I smiled at him. I moved alittle close to him.
"Um......Quinn?....... I know this is weird of me to ask but..... Do you mean if I cuddle with you until I fall asleep? You know we use to when we were younger? I always make me feel better." I said nervously.
"Of course! Anything to make you feel better." Quinn said.
Quinn moved closer to me and wrapped me into his embrace. I wrapped my arms around him too. He was so warm. His heart beat was so calming. I started to close my eyes.
"Goodnight, Kat." Quinn said softly.

(Hey Night here! Sorry it took awhile to update. I want to say if you have anything you want to see in this story please comment.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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