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This will be short story. Probably 4 chapters, nothing more.

Louis has crush on his best friend, Harry, but of course he never told him this. When Harry had a boyfriend, he started to get into drinking. No matter that Harry and his boyfriend broke up now, Louis didn't stop. They also share a apartment, so Harry decides to help Louis with his alcoholic problem. But will Louis really stop or will he has to visit separation from alcohol?

 But will Louis really stop or will he has to visit separation from alcohol?

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(At start of each chapter I will post it's aesthetic)


Harry sigh as he looks at his best friend, drinkig another glass of vodka.

Ever since Louis and his friend Zayn started to get close with Alex he drank more. They often asked Harry to take a drink or two, but he always declined. He didn't want to get in drink. Also he was just 18, when Louis was already 20.

"Louis, is almost 3am. We have to go back home now, you have shift tomorrow and I have school"
"Haz, we are teenagers. We have to live lifes"
"Louis, we will go" he says a little bit angrily, taking his friends arm and starts running away.

They came back at Louis' and his apartment, which they shared since Harry turned 18, that was more then half year ago now. It had two rooms, so each of boys could has his own.
As they enter Louis' room, he runs to his bathroom and Harry can hear him throwing up. That's not good though.

Harry walks after him in bathroom, seeing Louis on floor, next to toilet.

"Louis, you should drink less, ever since you and Zayn started meeting with Alex you both drink much more" Harry said.
"Harry, you don't understand how good feeling it is"
"Louis, you are just 20. You have while life before you. You need to find friends better then Alex"
Louis just looked away, throwing up again.

Harry left the Louis' bathroom and sat on his bed. Why did he even start it? He has to ask him this once later. Once when Louis won't be drunk.

Next day when Harry woke up, Louis wasn't home, which means he already left for work. Louis worked in bank, just few minutes away from their apartment. Harry, who was still visiting school, came to look at his friend many times during lunch break. Him and Louis were almost inseparable, since they were friends from childhood.

Everything was okay in past, it really was, but when they started visiting middle school, Louis made new really good friend, Zayn. Everything was okay with it, until there came Alex. He was Zayn's cousin, and when Louis started to hangout with him more, he also started with drinking and smoking.

Harry, on the other side, didn't even try to smoke yet. He drank, few times, for example when he broke up with his ex, Nick, but he was never really drunk.

This was what Harry think about, while he was walking to school. In class he met with his classmate and his really good friend, Niall.

The school day, of course, was really boring. Learning about history of English language, and how atoms make up different things, is not really most interesting theme.

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