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Tracing my fingers along the rim of the coffee cup, the sweet smell of coffee beans filled my nose. I don't know why but I felt like she was there. I could almost feel her soft lips against mine. Her long brown curls brushing up against my bare chest. Her skinny arms wrapped around my neck. Mine secure around her waist. Her cheeks turning a light crimson when I complimented her. My arms automatically wrapping around her when she'd jump into my lap.

When I was with her, it was as if the whole world disappeared. It always felt like we were the last two people on earth. I was so in love I didn't care about anything else. She was the only thing clouding my mind and I didn't seem to care.

I grabbed the handle of the cup and slowly brought it to my lips. I made a face as the hot liquid burned my throat on the way down. She always made faces, when she drank coffee, burning her tongue. When she first tried alcohol, the unusual liquid leaving a tingling sensation in her throat. Even when she said she loved me, she'd try to turn it into a joke as she did everything. But it was never a joke; it was her true feelings. Though, she wasn't able to express her them as well as others.

I finished my coffee, and slipped $2 into the empty cup, leaving it as a tip. I exited the empty coffee shop and my body was instantly soaked by the night's rain. I didn't mind it. She loved rain. She would've lived in it if she could've. I for one wasn't it's biggest fan, but she taught me different.

I started towards my flat located in Central New York. I moved here after she left; I ran away from all my problems. I didn't want to live that life. I wanted to start over. But I guess starting over wasn't in my handbook.

I walked inside my building and made my way towards the elevator. I pressed the button, waiting for the elevator to come. As I waited, I took in my surroundings. Fake Trees. A random man sitting on the sofa, texting away. A girl, about my age, fixing her hair using the reflection of her phone as a guide. It was dead silent.

I sighed to myself as I stepped into the elevator. If she was here, she'd probably start singing to brighten up the mood. That's what she was about; she was never pleased with the telly or cellphones. She was one who'd drag you outside and force you to play against your will.

The elevator stopped on my floor. I slowly inspected the hall. Once I saw it was empty, I stepped off and made my way towards my flat. Opening the door, I slipped out of my wet jacket and sat down on the couch. If she was here, she'd make me go straight to the shower and get dry clothes so I didn't catch a cold.

I lay my head down on a pillow and let a few tears fall. Why did I get dragged in so deep?

"Liam," The familiar voice sent a chill down my spine. I abruptly lifted my head off the pillow and my eyes darted towards the kitchen. Sitting on the countertop, I saw the same hazel eyes that ran through my dreams. The same soft brown curls I wanted to run my fingers through. The same smile that made me melt.

"Annie," I whispered, getting up off the couch. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she looked down at the ground, swinging her legs back and forth.

"You look good, Payne. You look good." That same old smile crossed her face as the eighteen year old version of herself sat watching me. She was all skinny arms, ripped jean shorts and worn out Toms.

She hopped off the counter and started towards me. My body became still, my breathing almost ceasing. Not even a blink of an eye. I didn't dare do anything to make this possibly end.

But as I smiled back at her I realized, for that moment, I didn't care.

I choked a laugh out, tears blurring my vision as my eyes swept the brunette. "So do you."

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