Chapter 24 - Fulfilling the Rest of the Vision

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So... *builds anticipation in her readers* this is this is the last chapter of the story before the epilogue. I want to thank you all for reading and enjoying this story. It was a joy to write, and is definitely not my last Dramione fanficiton. Look out for my next ones, or check out the ones that I already posted on There's Dramione as well as Druna and Drinny. Yeah, I'm a proud Dracohead. Anyway, here's the last chapter. Enjoy! =)

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The whole Great Hall was a ruckus of laughter and happy and excited chatter. The school, as well as the whole of the wizarding world, was partying, even after a few days of the Dark Lord being defeated. He was gone, so there was a reason to celebrate. The four teens who aided in the destruction of the Dark Lord were not only recognized and received awards at Hogwarts, the Minister of Magic himself came and awarded them for their efforts and they all appeared in the Daily Prophet. Now, Draco had two awards to put on his future mantle.

Annabelle finally came back, after being in an abandoned cottage near to where Hermione had hid, and received recognition as well, in front of the whole school. He glanced at the glowing blue ghost girl down the Slytherin table as she chatted with some girls.

If it wasn't for her, the Dark Lord would still be at large. And, if it wasn't for her, he and Hermione wouldn't have gotten together, at least when they did. He glanced over at Hermione, who was talking with Harry, Ron and her other friends. She caught his glance and beamed. He smiled back. He looked around at some students who were sitting at tables that were not their own house's. He stood up, rounded both the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables and made it to Hermione. She followed him with her eyes as he walked.

"Make room," he said, and some of the Gryffindors there widened their eyes. Apparently, they were still not used to him and Hermione being an item. Either that, or he was doing what no Slytherin student had ever done since the school opened about one thousand years ago.

"Scootch over," Hermione told Ron, and he huffed. He scooted over and Draco sat down in between Hermione and Ron. The others near them still had wide eyes.

"What?" he questioned them. "Can't a guy sit with his girlfriend?"

"A Slytherin has never sat at the Gryffindor table before," gasped Pavarti. At least, he thought that was the right twin.

"Well, in case you all haven't noticed, the world has changed. The Dark Lord's gone and a pureblood Slytherin is dating a muggle-born Gryffindor. Why can't a Slytherin sit at the Gryffindor table?"

"He's right," said Shamus Finnigan in his accent. "The world's changed, and I think for the better, and all because that ghost girl predicted the future."

"She had a vision," the other Patil twin corrected. "Back when she was alive one thousand years ago."

"Well, whatever. It's because of her that the Dark Lord's defeated."

Dumbledore had the decency to tell the students a portion of Annabelle's vision. He had said that her vision consisted of he, Hermione, Harry and Ron helping to defeat the Dark Lord, among other things. The whole school and wizarding world didn't need to know that it was because of her that he and Hermione fell in love.

"You're right," Hermione said. "We all owe it to Annabelle."

Everyone looked over to where she was, still talking with those Slytherin girls. Shamus said, "Blymee, she must have had all the boys chasing after her back then. Too bad she's a ghost now."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ron demanded, his face a bit pink. "Just what kind of rubbish is going through your head?"

"The same rubbish that goes through your head every time you look at her," Ginny put in from across the table. "He has a massive crush on that ghost girl," she told everyone.

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