Four ♥

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You felt yourself losing control in the kiss, your hands lifting to his chest. His were dropping to your hips, dragging you and your chair into his space. You realized you couldn't get any closer to him, the legs of the chairs separating your bodies. You pulled back slowly, pushing your hands against his chest, fingers tangling in the loose cloth.

"Maybe we should slow down." Breathing was difficult, and you felt your heart beating in your throat. You didn't want to slow things down, you wanted to crawl into his lap and never stop kissing him.

"If that's what you want baby girl," he swiped his thumb across your bottom lip and smirked, "we can do that." The way he said the words made you shiver and you leaned into his lips again, Yoongi was quick to kiss you back, his mouth now feeling so familiar against your own.

When you broke apart again after a moment you couldn't think straight, your brain moving slowly, foggy with need for him. He was watching as you leaned back into your chair and he smiled that fuck boy smile again. What was he thinking?

"I'll help you clean up." Yoongi nodded and stood, lifting the now empty bowls of food and turning toward the sink. You took the chance with his back turned to close your eyes for a second and focus on your breathing, on thinking clearly. Then you stood grabbing some of the other dishes and followed him. You placed the items in the sink and turned to Yoongi who was wiping down the counter with a cloth.

"Yoongi?" Your voice came out so softly you could barely hear it, and your eyes widen a bit having no idea what you were about to say.

"Hmmm?" He didn't even turn toward you.

"Take me to your bedroom." Your heart was beating so hard you could feel it beneath your chest trying to break free. He turned deliberately and watched you as you leaned back against the sink.

"You didn't want a hook up."

"Is that what this would be?"

"My bedroom has rules." He said this lazily, but you could feel the implication underneath. He closed the distance between your bodies and teased his fingers under the hem of your crop top, sending flutters of pleasure through you.

"I can learn." He kissed the corner of your mouth and down your jawline nuzzling his lips into your neck.

"You want me to teach you some discipline after all?" His teeth found your collarbone and you squeezed your lips shut to keep the moan from bubbling up and out. "I need a response Y/N." His warm fingers found the edge of your bra cup and you gasped.

"Yes." You had to practically hold your breath to get the word out. Before you could even recover he'd taken your wrist and walked you out of the kitchen and to a closed door.

"You can change your mind any time you want. I won't get upset Y/N." His eyes were tender now as he stopped and tilted your chin up to look at him. You nodded, unsure if you could say much more and he opened the door. Even with his implications earlier of tying you up and discipline, his bedroom looked normal, nothing to indicate that anything unusual went on behind this door. He led you to the bed and you both sat down.

"Have you done anything like this before?"

"No, I'm not really sure what 'this' is to be honest."

"We can keep it light with just some teasing, a little restraining, maybe some spanking?" Yoongi said everything very easily, and you felt comfortable as he discussed several more points with you, explaining how things were going to go and making sure you weren't anxious. You felt the tickle of excitement in your tummy and the blush was already turning your ears hot.

"I understand Yoongi."

"If you are feeling good about things, that's called green, like a traffic light, yellow means you're nervous or reaching your limit, red means stop now. I'll check in with you and you can tell me anytime. In that sense you're in control and get to decide where things end." He stroked his hand down your hair and kissed your forehead.

"Are you ready to undress for me Y/N?" You sighed at the forwardness of his words, that pull no punches attitude resurfaced from your first encounter.

You nodded and stood turning toward him, he'd leaned back on his elbows on the bed and watched you as you hooked your fingers around your crop top.

"First rule, all responses should be vocal words. 'Yes Sir.' 'No Sir.' Nodding or making sounds don't count. Are you ready to undress for me baby girl?" Yoongi said it again, patiently, a sleepy smile on his face.

"Yes Sir." He groaned rubbing his hand across the front of his pants.

"Hearing good little girls say that for the first time always gets me hard." He watched you more intensely and nodded, your signal to continue.

Languidly you lifted the top over your head, arching into the move to press your breasts forward then dropped the shirt to the floor. You'd chosen this pale blue lace bra because it looked so sexy on your skin and his smile said he agreed.

Next you hooked a finger into the waistband of your jeans and released the button. With a wiggle you opened the zipper and spread the fabric apart teasing him with a glimpse of the front of the matching panties. You liked how he stared at you so you let your fingers tease down the lace and against your mound.

Yoongi moved off the bed so quickly you were caught off guard. He was on his knees in front of you his hand catching yours around the wrist and twisting it gently away from your panties.

"Rule two Y/N, do not tease me, follow directions." He growled the words, then dragged his tongue from your belly button, across the front of your panties until his lips laid a kiss right above your most sensitive spot. You felt the sensation quiver into your tummy and you wanted more, but he was leaning back and tugging your jeans off your hips.

"Hopefully you don't regret that little move." He looked up at you and the intensity of his look set you on fire.

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