Cordelia Goode - Im always here if you need to talk

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      TW- ED (eating disorder),          THOUGHTS OF SU!CUDE,SH (self harm),old nud3s.
Y/N = your name
Y/N/N = your nick name

  Recently i've been isolating myself from everyone, slowly losing people because of how socially deprived i've been, i barely eat anymore, i sometimes don't even have the motivation to shower, i share a bathroom with Cordelia, our supreme. She knows that i use to have an eating disorder but i think she's slowly noticing i'm doing it again. i'm terrified to tell her-im scared she'll send me away or think i'm gross.
*Cordelia opens your door*"Y/N?"
"cordelia what did i say about knocking?"
"i'm sorry. i just wanted to know if you wanted to go out eat with me and the other girls? just like 6 of us."
"Oh uhm.. no thanks."
*delia sighs* "are you ok? you seem a bit off,you stopped showing up to family lunches and other activities.."
"i'm fine cordelia."
*delia places her hand on your cheek*
*you flinch slightly at her sudden movement*
"if you ever need to talk to someone i'll always be here for you Y/N/N."
"thanks delia."
"of course, we'll be back in a couple hours around 2 or 3."
*Delia leaves the room*
god i hate lieing to her but it tells me to shut up and act fine. i got on my computer and started to go in random chat rooms, this one person stuck out though. they kept talking about things that seemed like they knew me, normally i would've found it weird and left the chat room but i couldn't leave, nor could i turn of my computer-nothing would work-they suddenly sent pictures. pictures of my SH and old photos i use to send.things i regret sending,i never thought i would see these photos again-i never wanted to see these photos again. tears started to fill my eyes. a wave of regret,shame, and stress hit me at once, what should they do with those pictures, they could send it to the only friends i had left, they could send it to my parents, or even worse..delia. i begged them to stop but they would just spam the pictures over and over. i couldn't take it anymore i had to release. i ran to the restroom, i've never gotten up faster in months-i looked everywhere and realized delia must have hid them, i looked everywhere i. her room and in her travel makeup bag i found it. a razor. i grabbed it as if it was the thing that would save my life-i ran back to my room and grabbed some toilet paper to stop the blood from going everywhere- as i sliced my thigh i heard it. the door.
"hey y/n we brought you some pizz-"
shit. i forgot to lock the door.damn it.
"oh my god y/n"
"Delia no it's not what it looks like i promise."
hot tears started to fill my eyes, shame started to sink in throughout my whole body, a rock was in my throat, snot filled my nose, my fingers started to go numb and cramp horribly.
"don't look at me, leave."
"what? no. hell no."
"y/n don't yell at me."
oh my god no why did i say that. the one person that could help me, save me, was gone, i was alone,no one could help me anymore.
once the realization hit me, i didn't care. i cut, a lot. i just cut without thinking,
i heard her scream,i left light headed, this is it, finally. i finally did it-i could be happy like i always wanted to.
i felt her cold hands on me but her warm body against mine.
"sweetheart wake up please, no dont do cmon don't go, not yet please."
that's the loudest she's ever screamed.
"look at me cmon you got this-please don't leave us, we need you-please y/n, i need you."
she needs me? no i don't want to anymore i wanna stay. i wanna stay with her.please. i have to be stronger. everything went black.

i woke up to bright lights on my face.
"she's awake someone get cordelia!"
i heard people rush in and out of the room.
"y/n? y/n?!"
"shut up stop yelling at me.."
the woman laughed
"oh my god you're awake, your ok, you're safe"
"where am i..?"
my eyesight became better and i saw cordelia
she hugged me tightly with the biggest smile
"oh my god i thought i wouldn't see you again"
"do you not remember?"
i shake my head no
"you hurt yourself,badly."
you look down at your body covered in bandages
"oh god-i did this? to myself?"
"i'm so sorry delia."
"no dont apologize,it's alright sweetheart, can you guys leave?"
mallory, zoe, queenie, and 3 other girls leave the room, i didn't even notice they were in here. delia watched them leave and looked at me
she took my hands and slowly looked up at me
"i'm not upset, i am but not really. i was really worried about you, i told you taht you could talk to broke my trust.."
"i know and im sorry"
"i know you are sweetheart.."
she broke eye contact which she never does, and looked at my bandages while slowly rubbing my left hand that she was holding-with her thumb

after a couple seconds she kissed me.

her lips were so sweet. they made me feel at home.she tasted like powdered sugar, she kissed me so passionately-it was full of love and it was so welcoming and we both embraced every mile-second.
"i'm sorry.."
she started to get up
"no no it's ok."
she looked at you slightly confused
"are you sure..?"
she slowly want back down towards your bed
"yeah. actually i feel the same way-that's why i didn't pull back"
you smile at her and she giggles softly and kisses you on your forehead.

(so this is kinda the first comfort story i've ever done so hopefully it isn't horrible lmfao- if you have any suggestions or characters sarah plays that yk would be good together if that makes sense, feel free to tell me!:)  )

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