We arrived at the Marae, it was a cold and damp night, as we pulled up to the Marae we noticed a man in a dark coat with long curly hair and a lantern. As we pulled up next to him he spoke to us in Maori, "Harae Mai, welcome to my Marae, come in my whanau" as I followed him inside I could smell the smell of musk. That night after I had some Kai the man in the coat took me off to his room, he opened his tin shed and to my suprise there was a collection of 12 or so whips. none like I had ever seen before, it looked as if they were made out of Kumaras. I went to sit down on his couch and just as I did a women came out from under his bed, it was disgusting she was wearing a Gstring, and not just a normal one, one made out of kumara stalk. I screamed and jumped back onto the couch, she slithered out from under the bed and just as I jumped onto the couch the scary man pulled a leaver and I went flying backwards down to the Kumara children's factory, I screamed with delight,