New beginning - tracy champman

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Gavins POV: I woke up and got dressed In my clothes and had breakfast. Oh yeah we have a guy moving in next door! I went outside to go and say hello and lend a hand until I saw his face. Shiny white teeth with a gorgeous smile, a winning smile.
O-oh hi! My name is Gavin and I'm your next door neighbour! I smiled as I tried to hide my blush from the tall, handsome man. 
Hey, the names winner, Nice to meet you Gavin.
Oh my god, he's so hot. He never took that smile off of his face, I could never get enough of it.
Sooo, do you go to rhs? O-oh yeah!! I can show you where it is when your done getting everything inside if you'd like!
That would be nice. The tall guy looked at me.

(After the packing)
So do you have a lucky girl of whatever?
Me? Oh no. I hope you don't mind but, I'm not into girls that much.
Same dude! I never knew I would find someone like me! So you got maybe, a lucky dude?
I blushed a bright pink on my pale-ish skin and tried to respond without stuttering. U-Um no I am single.
Cool, I'm single too.

Gavin x winning smile Where stories live. Discover now