02 { Hybrid Cat }

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Fainted on the ground with soak tears on her cheeks she is surely conscious under the rain

Hopefully in this midnight there's still a man showed up looking shock at his form

He is nvked but he didnt care as he is always nvked even from his cat form,
He bend down to the fainted woman his eyes soften by her hopeless state

Not wasting time he slowly carried you bridal style, his tale brought the basket where he was and took her to her apartment

He knew where she leaves because before he was adopted he was also lost in the road finding for a shelter until a girl caught her eyes

She was helping an old woman cross the road, he was amazed by that and from that day he wanted to be a human

And suddenly this happened, he brought her home and cuddle with her for his body heat could make her body low chance of getting caught  fever

Wondering why this happened to him, he assumed that its because of her



She woke up, her hand supporting her head as it is aching, surprisingly she didnt caught a fever, how lucky she is

But remembering what happened yesterday its still hurting like its just yesterday as its really just yesterday

"Meow~ (=^‥^=) "

She flinch by the sound and look directly where its coming from, a cat, its eyes were staring at her's giving her goosebumps

She stood up while pointing at him

"You'll be gone here.. After I search for a great owner for you.. But for now your name will be koo.. " she said as she walks through her closet while sighing heavily

she looks for a comfortable dress , she didn't feel like working

She strips in front of the cat who just turns into a human form so sudden  making him hide behind the curtains giving her privacy as possible, his cheeks felt the unatural heat

After you change , you have to feed the cat with a bowl of strips of meat, but you didnt find him anywhere so you thought maybe he's wondering around

"Now I have to buy feeds for you..right?.. *chuckles* I have to take care of you" she brings her coat and went out leaving her wallet on the bed , chuckling of where the cat is

After koo eat he saw a floral wallet on the bed and thought that she left it, as much as he wanted to give the wallet he was conciouse of her nvked state

He got no choice so he quickly search for a set of clothes inside your closet good thing there's man clothes assuming its Her boyfriend's who is now her ex


He run in human speed, little sweats forming his forehead

He saw her standing while waiting for the bus, he sneaky went over her closely as he was relieved, her sling bag is opened a little, he took the chance to Carefully put the wallet inside without her knowing

She went inside the bus leaving him and somehow he felt her body reforming again

He is again a cat his paws got wet due to the floor but it doesn't matter at least he accomplished his mission

Smiling to himself he wished to join you buy his food to say what he likes, and accompany you

He knew you are hurt and because of that he promised to himself that he wouldn't let your ex and also his ex owner come near you


Hours later of waiting for her

The cat's ears twitch hearing the clicking sound of the door as it opened revealing a drunk, Y/n

It started to run over her but something's off, and by looking down here saw himself in a human form again

His eyes widened and immidietly wear the clothes earlier before going to her ,being in front of her, he can't help but to be dizzy about her alcohol smell

Her face is red highly drunk even tho she only drank 2-3 cups of alcohol leaving a half way seoju of bottle there

Feeling a presence of someone, she lift her head up and saw a man, in her vision she thought it is her boyfriend

"Francis~~ did you miss me *hiccups* already" she stretched her arms out putting it on his neck , koo supported her

"Because me..?? I-i miss you a-already!, you know while my friends are starting to have a family.. Here I am *hiccups* starting to l-loose hope.." She pull him into a tight hug, she sobs that made him worried about her, he closed the door by his foot because she keep pushing him and swaying , dancing slowly

"You know what did they said..??"
She waited for a 'what?' But nothing came so she unconsciously pinch his side shoulder, his ears lift, eyes widened from the pain

"Ask me!!"

"W-what..?" He said almost tearing up by your pinch

You smiled and looked at him

"They said to have a fallback or rebound.. But I can't do it with you..Francis you're my first love" she leaned closer to his face and smashed her lips to him, his tail straightened and she got his body stuffed you can surely assure that he was shocked

"Mhmmh.." He almost purr from The new feeling he is encountering now

melting into your kiss he starts to be the dominant one as he kissed you deeper, he lift her a bit making her feet step on his feet as he lead the way to her bed

He gently lay her down leaving a last peck on her lips before pulling away beside her

She gaze on him and touch his face features and she was confused

"Are you really my bae..?" She pouted after asking

"No.. I'm your cat.." He said and gently hold your hand caressing it

" *giggles* you know I really don't like animals but I'm starting to like you~ hello cat~~~ goodnight" she warmly smiles that melt the hybrid cat's heart

"I like you also, Y/n"


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