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After that I got up and walked out of the McDonald's I was mad and upset bc now my class knows I'm 1pregnant 2Shinzo's "slut" and 3there were only a few people In the class I would call my real friends but they weren't even close enough for me to tell the this I honestly wasn't up for talking to anyone so I just went home

When I walked to the house and I went straight to my room and changed into so pj's

(SHINSO'S POV) Me and the others were talking and playing around izu was being awfully quiet so I decided to look over at him and he looked upset

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Me and the others were talking and playing around izu was being awfully quiet so I decided to look over at him and he looked upset

I was about to say something to him to see what was wrong but before I could he slammed him phone on the table cracking it a little the got up and left

He was so mad I don't think he realized he left his phone I was hella confused so I picked up his phone and... "We need to go make sure he's ok now"

Tokage-"did something happened"

Rin- "obviously"

Monoma- "sometimes it's hard to tell if you're dumb or just don't pay attention

Tokage- "guys really"

Shinso- "can you guys shut up and go and Tokage their right you act stupid pretty much all the time it's hard to tell"

Monoma- " yes lets go make sure my favorite person is ok"

We all started walking to izu's house to make sure he was ok I'm pretty sure he was really upset he didn't want anyone to know especially since the press got involved and now everyone in japan knows that we're dating and that he's pregnant

We had finally made it to his house I was about to knock but the moment I touched the door it opened 

Monoma- "d-did  he leave the door open"


Tokage-"...maybe we should let shinso handle this"

Rin-"I think you're right"


Kendo-"call us"

Shinso-"I will"

After they left I took a deep breath and walked in "baby" I didn't get a response so I made my way up the stairs "baby..." still nothing I started to slowly walk down the hall I didn't hear or see him anywhere until I heard small crying coming from his room walked in and saw him sitting in the corner crying I walked over and kneeled down in front of him

I-Izuku S-Shinso

I- *crying* g-go away 

S- baby I'm not leaving I know you're upset with your class b-

I- I don't want to talk about them

S- your mad I know but some of them are still your friends like mina and tsu and denki I know  kirishima is the one that exposed you but he didn't mean it he even apologized

I- I know but now I have to listen to lida, Aizawa sensei, and a whole lot of other hero give me a whole damn lecture about this not to mention the press and almost all of Japan are about to be on our ass

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