Chapter 10: Where on earth is Wanda?

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Val and Carol just went to sleep but I can't. I can't sleep in Wanda's bed knowing that she is mad at me. I had never experienced this feeling before. Me and Wanda have never fought before. Never! After about half an hour of sitting there, I decided to text her.

Ughhh!!!! Why isn't she answering? I then remembered that she said that she was with Pietro, so I decided to text him

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Ughhh!!!! Why isn't she answering? I then remembered that she said that she was with Pietro, so I decided to text him.

Ughhh!!!! Why isn't she answering? I then remembered that she said that she was with Pietro, so I decided to text him

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Where on earth could she be? I really hope that she's okay.

Wanda's POV

I was awoken by the fact that I had such a bad headache and I touched where it hurt and I opened my eyes to have a look at my hand and I saw blood. I felt my head again just to double check, and there it was again. I then looked around and I was in complete darkness apart from the weak light above me. I reached for my phone but I couldn't find it. I remembered that I had matches in my pocket so I got them out and lit one. I couldn't make out much from the small amount of light but I did see two things. My phone cracked by my feet, and a big piece of pavement. A big piece of pavement on top of my legs. It was at that moment that I realised that I couldn't feel anything from my waist down.


A/N- Sorry for it being really short and it taking almost a month to update! I was having some personal issues but I should be back to uploading more often now :) Cya next time. Byeeeee <3

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