Started on a Tuesday

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Everyday is the same for me.

Wake up, go to school, come home, eat and sleep. It's all the same. I thought my life was always going to have the same pattern for years on end. That is....until I met him.

Let me take you back a few months.

It all started on one of my really bad days. Tuesday. One of the worst days of the week so far.

My weeks are weird. If I have a good Monday then I'll have a bad Tuesday. If I have a good Monday and Tuesday I'll have a bad Wednesday. And so on.

But anyway, I was having the worst day possible so far. I woke up late, I hit my foot on my little brother's bed trying to wake him up, I barely made it on the bus, I left my math homework at home and to top it all off, it was raining so my hair was starting to get frizzy.

This day absolutely sucks so far.

I put my hair up and went throughout my regular day. I don't have a problem with my classes but everyone was just irritating me. I don't even know why. It really was a bad day.

I start walking to 3rd period when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I bump into this guy and drop my phone. Luckily it didn't crack.

But honestly I was having such a bad day that I started to look up at the guy with a mad expression. He started to apologize before I made eye contact with him.

I was about to say watch where you're going with attitude in my voice but the second I looked right at his eyes, I think I died.

They were a beautiful hazel with a little green hint around the edges. I looked away quickly so I wouldn't blush. Although when you're mixed it's a little bit harder to. I said "It's okay" and took my phone from his hands, since he picked it up for me, and walked away.

As I was walking away I looked back for a split second and noticed that he looked dazed but he shrugged it off.

In 3rd period I went up to my friend Kelly and told her what just happened. She said it was weird and said sorry also because of my bad day. I got through 3rd period (thankfully), went to lunch, and then finally went to 4th period.

The last class of the day. I go sit in my desk and wait for the bell to ring. Right before the bell rings, the guy from earlier that I ran into comes into the room. I was very surprised because I'm not the luckiest person in the world so I didn't think he would end up in my class.

This day just keeps getting more awkward by the minute. He was scanning the room and the second he made eye contact with me I looked down at my phone and started doing something else to pretend like I didn't see anything.

If I was fully white my face would have probably turned bright red. I sit in the last desk in one of the rows next to two of my friends Autumn and Brittany. I tried talking to them most of the class so I could take my mind off of the new guy.

I never understood what it felt like to feel like someone's watching you....until now. I could feel the new guy staring at me but every time I looked up he was doing his work. I don't understand this boy. What's his deal?

Around five minutes until the bell rings, we usually stand by the door and talk and stuff. As I was talking to Autumn and Brittany, someone comes up behind me and says "Excuse me?"

I turn around to face the extremely hot new guy from earlier today.

"Yes?" I reply.

"I just wanted to apologize again from earlier today. I'm new and I didn't know where my next class was so my eyes were glues to my schedule."

"Oh. Okay. It's fine. I didn't mean to seem so rude. I was just having a really bad day."

He opened his mouth to say something but the bell rang so I said bye and left with the rest of the class.

I head to my bus and sit with my friend and tell her everything. All she kept asking was for me to describe him.

He was about maybe 5'10 - 5'11. He had dark brown hair. However not dark enough to look almost black. He was wearing a black shirt with some words that I didn't really care to read. He was wearing khaki pants and black/white vans.

Ooo that boy looked good.

But anyway, that night I couldn't stop thinking about how I still don't know his name. My teacher said his name but I was too busy talking to my friends to hear it. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.

I get ready for bed and go to sleep wondering how my day's going to be tomorrow.

How do you guys like chapter 1 so far??
Also anybody have any title ideas? I'd really appreciate it. What do you think the new guys name is???

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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