Chapter 2

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'Harry and Ginny was laughing their heads off. They just pulled a prank on their school caretaker. He was sleeping while lunch time so they decided to colour his hair into hot pink colour, when half hair was done, the caretakers cat comes in toward them. So they left his hair like that and run away so they won't get caught. Now they are standing in a empty class room laughing their heads off. Suddenly Ginny notices Harry isn't in the room

"Harry? Where are you? Don't play some stupid prank on me, I won't spare you and you know that" said Ginny trying to find Harry. Suddenly someone comes behind are and screams making Ginny jump, she turns around to find Harry

"You jerk" Ginny said and tried to catch him, but for so many desks she couldn't "I hate you" said Ginny grinning towards him. 

He comes and starts tickling her, "No you don't". Ginny laughed and said, "No i don't". Ron weren't at school today, he had a headache. Harry looks down into Ginny's eyes and leans in, places a soft kiss on her lips, she kisses him back, wrapping her hands around his neck.

"Hey! Are listening what i am saying?" Hermione asked

Ginny snaps out of her thought, that was the first day Harry kissed her, it was their first kiss, after that they confessed they like each other and started dating. "Sorry Hermione, didn't see you there, what's up? "

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"HARRY! OPEN THE DOOR! YOU LOCKED YOURSELF FROM THE LAST 7 DAYS! OPEN UP!" Sirius black yelled knocking the door loudly.

"Go away Sirius" Harry yelled back not opening the door.

"You are gonna make yourself sick! Open up! Tell me what's wrong, I can give you a solution!"

"Theres no solution Sirius, I messed up everything" yelled Harry 

"If you don't say anything to me then there won't be any solution, open the bloody door and explain, Mrs.Weasley will send some tiramisu today" said Sirius.

Harry sighs, he knows there's no point in arguing with Sirius, he opens the door.

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"GINNY, COME DOWN DEAR I NEED SOME HELP!" Molly weasley called her daughter.

"Coming Mum" Ginny yelled coming down the stairs. "Yes mum?".

"I made some tiramisu for Harry, could you please go and give this to Sirius? "

Ginny groans, she really didn't had the mood to meet Harry right now,she loved him, "tell Ron to go, why me?".

"Come on dear, Hermione came to visit us, Ron would like to spent his time with her, she would like that too" Molly said

"She is my bestfriend, she could spent time with me too"

"Ginny,  go change and give this to Sirius, no more words" Molly sternly said. She groans and goes up to change.

After changing she takes the tiramisu and gets into her car and starts driving to Harry and Sirius's house.

She rings the doorbell, her heart thumping. The door opens, there stands the caretaker of the house. "Hello miss! Please come in".

"Hello! Where is Sirius? I won't stay long today, please call him" Ginny said

He nodded and left to the kichten, after a few minutes Sirius comes out and smiles, "Ginny! How are you? Come I the kitchen, we were about have lunch, why don't you join us" he said.

She goes and hugs him, Harry comes out too, looks into her eyes. "Not today Sirius, Mum send some tiramisu, I have to go" Ginny said looking at Harry. He hands the tiramisu box to Sirius and walks away to her car.

"Ginny wait?" Harry said but it was too late, she didn't heard him, she already left.

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