Chapter 1
You hear horrible tragedies and you always think that you will never forget about it, but two weeks later the most horrible thing is that you forgot to do your science homework. Unless you have have experienced a tragedy, felt the horror, the feeling that you you would do anything in the world to make it all a bad dream then you do not have a scar over your heart. A scar that even the gods could never heal. I used to be the kind of person that if a tragedy happened to someone I felt bad for about ten minuets and moved on. Never thinking it could happen to me. That's where I went horribly wrong, I am now Scarred at Heart.
Chapter 2
"Rouge it's family meditation time!". I'm so sick of this stupid meditation thing and all the other stupid little practices we do. Oh if you have not found out already name is Rouge, it means red in French. Yah I know creative name, all seven kids in our family are named after a color but all in different languages. Since I'm the oldest I get red. I really hate my name, my favorite color is black not red. I'm goth and my parents really hate it but I don't care what they think. Anyway while I'm trudging down the stairs I hear the spirits warning me of something but they never tell me what. At least I'll have time to think about in meditation.
Chapter 3
It's been a week since I last wrote in you and I would have waited longer but I needed to tell you that something really bad is going to happen soon and I'm really scared. I can't tell my parents because they would never understand. Nobody would understand except you. Now back to what the spirits' warning, the only thing I could receive other than "weapon at hand", "was death of oldest male"which I have figured out was my dad. My dad and I are really close. We have a connection that no one els in the world could have. So you could understand why every night I cried.
Chapter 4
It's been about three weeks since I last wrote and today is Tragedy Day. Today is the day the spirits have been warning me of. I know you are probably thinking its not and its just a false alarm. Let me reassure you that I never have a "false alarm". I know it's today because I can feel it. I can feel the sorrow and dreadful pain I will be feeling later. So I decide for my family's safety I am going to cary my bow and arrow around.
Chapter 5
It's about nine thirty now and I'm starting to think that today is not Tragedy Day. I'm still going to cary my arrow around just incase. My dad just got home and I'm so relieved. I was afraid he would die from a car reck on the ride home.
I have to go to bed now for about a few hours until my family I have to leave to got to this special ceremony with a bunch of our friends. Maybe to night some thing good will happen instead of wrong.
Chapter 6
My alarm has gone off and I'm tired and don't want to get up, but the noise of seven little kids prevents me from sleeping even more. When I'm walking down the stairs to my family, the spirits warn me that disaster is coming . My family and I go on outside to the car. Just Ike my mom to leave something important in the house. My dad is all ready in the but mom drags all the kids back in anyway. I feel really unease, I don't think I should have left dad alone.
Chapter 7
"DAD!!!!!" I scream, I see blood all around the passenger seat and his head tilted unnaturally back. Good thing I was the first out of the house because I yelled for mom and the kids to lock the doors and stay inside.
Chapter 8
I run with my bow raised and a arrow notched to the car and swing open the door. It was a horrible sight to see but all his organs were missing. All there was, was a big bloody hole where his stomach should be. "Little Red Riding Hood, look at me please." He croaked.
Of course what is it daddy? " I need you to become the new man of the house, take care of everybody." He cried as he said this. No daddy your going to live, your not leaving me please I'm begging you! He chuckled at this and stiffly lifted his arm to wipe the tears from my face. I then collapsed on him giving him his favorite kind of hug. He hugged me back and whispered " I Love You" while saying this he pointed to his eye then made a heart with his hands and then pointed to me. I love you to daddy. Those were the last words he ever heard.
Chapter 9
NOOO please come back to me please! I screamed into the starless night. I suddenly felt someone els' presence. I whip around to see the killer on a hill
about fifty yards away. He was dressed as a chef and was drenched with my fathers blood from hat to shoe. I was so angry I instantly consitrated on his shiny red forehead. I was just about to let my fingers slip from the string so the metal tip could pierce his stupid, idiotic head when a male voice behind me yelled "hold your fire!". I turn around arrow raised incase it was more danger but instead it was about a dozen police men. All with guns aimed at the bloody chef.
Chapter 10
Please let me kill him! I beg the police. At first they were shocked at my question but agreed in the end. So I relaxed consitrated on his forehead again. I got into the zone again, where the world melts away except for me and the target. Then I let the arrow slip through my fingers, hear it pierce the air and then thwack hits the target perfectly, or it should. I look up to see the killer hold the arrow he had caught in mid air and glaring right at me. On que the police men fire their guns and kill the man instantly. I then fire another arrow and this time it hits him. He drops lifeless to ground. My family comes running out of the house and hugs me so hard I could not breathe. The killer is dead and so is dad.
Chapter 11
It's been a few years now since my father'a death and everything is back to normal but not completely normal. I still have trouble talking about him. I am really glad that I had token so many pictures of him and us together. I know that he has not completely gone I talk to him in my dreams. He likes to whisper "I love you" when I'm alone. The thing that really makes me sad is that he left a horrible way and that he can't be there (physically) for his six other kids. He probably visits them in their dreams every night too. I also can't get over how I am now a murder,I took another person's life. It just makes me feel bad even if I had legal permission. Well I do have to say that this will be the last time I will write in here. It does not feel right to continue writing in a place with such sad ending. I will begin a new diary a new life, a new beginning. Though I do realize that no matter how many times I star over I will stop being Scarred at Heart.
The End
Scarred At Heart
HorrorWhen Rouge hears the spirits whispering, she knows that something terrible is going to happen, but never in her wildest dreams does she expect what. Will she find out what is going on or will she suffer the sacrifices that are almost destined to com...