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After a restless night Mia decided to do the one thing she knew could get everything off her mind. She took out her phone and went to her brothers channel that he did with a friend.

Mia Caylen, she's not anything like her brother yes her humor is very much like his but she's very shy. The one thing she couldn't stand was that she was clear in Texas and he was in California. After a minute of watching his videos she started getting teary-eyed. She missed her brother so much, the last time they actually saw each other in person was almost a year ago.

She went to her contacts on her phone, she saw his contact. She hesitated before clicking the face time button. It rang a few time then he picked up, "Hey Mia what's up?" Jc said loudly.

Mia laughed, "Not much just missing you, it's so quiet in the house when your gone." Mia explained.

"I'm sorry kiddo, we're actually-"

"We're working on a series!" Kian screamed

Mia laughed once again as she heard Kian yelled, "What's the series about?" Mia asked

"Mia I was actually gonna call you tomorrow and talk about this. Since your on the phone now, it's the perfect time to tell you." Jc started

Mia sat up in her bed as he countries talking, "What's up?" She asked

"So dad was gonna fly out to LA, and since I haven't seen you in a while I was gonna see if you wanted to fly out with him." Jc started

"I'd love to, oh my gosh!" Mia exclaimed

Jc and Kian let out a laugh as she was excited, "Okay cool cause I already booked your plane ticket. Your flight is on Thursday at five pm." Jc said.

Mia was beyond excited, "Okay." She said with a smile on her face.


She told her mom everything, how Jc wanted her to come out to Los Angelos, "Just be careful okay Mia." Her mother said.

"Of course I will." Mia said.

Just then there was a knock on the door. Mia got off the seat she was sitting in and went to the front door. She opened it revealing her boyfriend of six months, Karson. He smiled at her before coming for a hug, "What's up pretty lady." Karson said.

They pulled away and Karson placed a kiss on her lips. The two began walking to her room to watch a movie, "I've actually got some news." Mia said as they walked up the steps

She opened her door, Karson went first and jumped on her bed, "What's up?" Karson asked

"Okay so my brother called me last night and he told me that he and my dad are flying to Los Angelos for a project their working on." Mia explained to him.

"This weekend? But I thought that we were gonna go away together?" Karson questioned.

Mia rolled her eyes at him, "I spend every minute I can with you like all the time, I don't get to see my brother or Dad that often." Mia said.

Karson sat up and looked at her, "Okay but you said that you could care less about your dad, and you FaceTime Jc like all the time." Karson said getting mad.

Mia walked over to him, "I thought you would be happy for me." Mia said.

"I am happy for you Mia but I thought that we had plans." Karson complained.

Mia rolled her eyes playfully at him. She closed the gap between them and straddled his lap, "And when I get back we can still go and have us time." Mia said wrapping her arms around his neck.

Karson smiled at her, "Okay, I mean we have time now to-"

"Karson." Mia said.

"What?" He asked with a grin plastered on his face.

He moved her hair behind her ear. She didn't even say anything she leaned in and kissed his lips. He pushed her body closer to his, Mia moved to his neck nipping at certain spots. His breath hitched as she grinded down on him, "Mia." Karson spoke.

"Mmh." Mia mumbled into his neck.

She didn't want stop, she wanted him. Karson isn't like every other guy, he was saving himself. His mom gave him a purity ring when he was thirteen. Him and Mia agreed to wait, they would occasionally make out and it would get heated but it would always stop.

Before Karson met Mia she wasn't a virgin. For Karson she agreed to wait with him. He moved her off of him. She felt rejected by him all the time. He was soft and timid with everything he did.

"So what are we gonna watch?" Karson said flipping through movies

"Whatever you want." Mia said.


After Karson went home a few of Mia's friends came over. They were talking about her trip, "So you get to meet all his famous friends?" Jade asked

Jade Martin was Mia's right hand gal, "I mean I guess-"

"Wait so you get to meet Kian? You're so lucky." Marley spoke.

Marley Walker, Mia's left hand gal. The three have been a trio since they were in kindergarten together and have been inseparable ever since, "Yeah." Mia said blushing.

Marley noticed, "You're blushing, you like Kian don't you." Marley questioned with a smile.

Mia raised her eyebrows, "What! N-No I don't, I have a boyfriend, Karson remember my boyfriend of six months." Mia spoke.

"Okay, you can still have a boyfriend and think guys are cute. Do you have a crush on your brothers friend Mia?" Jade asked

Mia smiled at the two before answering, "I've had a crush on Kian for years, he probably won't even recognize me. Last time he saw me I was shaped like a box and had glasses and braces." Mia explained

Marley and Jade looked at each other then looked back at Mia, "Stop with that look." Mia said looking at her friends

They held their hand up in defense, "We're not saying anything. Mia have fun in Los Angelos but don't break Karsons heart in the process." Jade said

Mia stood up, "You guys think that I would do that to him? What Karson and I have is special." Mia explained

"Purity ring." Marley said looking at the ring on Mia's finger.

Mia looked down to look at the ring, "I wouldn't do that." Mia said looking at the ring still.

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