웃음 (smile)

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Today is another peaceful day with another complicated thoughts. As he kept thinking about it, he doesn't know what troubles him anymore. It's getting annoying and saddening.

He knows he can't turn back time or make another choice. Everything that has happened is because he is him. Either way, it's no one fault to begin with. He has come to a resolution that there's nothing going to change if he kept regretting, so he decided to go back to Seoul.

He get ready to go, he pack several of  his belongings and also left some behind. As he walk towards the door, he was reminded of his camera. Over the past few months, he spent all his time with the camera. Taking pictures without meaning, simply just to remind himself. "The world is beautiful, no matter how many disaster it has been through. Just like our life."

It's beautiful, even though it's sad.

He took his camera and for the last time, he go on to walk around the town while taking pictures. He stop by the sea. He put down his camera on a stand, taking a video of nothing. He began recording himself as he walks away from the camera as if the camera wasn't there.

"This will be the last- " His thought was disturbed.

"What is this?" A voice was heard.

"Oh! That's mine actually." Jipyeong said as he turn back and saw a man near his camera. "I am currently shooting right now." He continued after a moment of silence.

"Oh. Shooting." The man replied and left. Jipyeong continues to reminiscing as it will be his last. He stare blankly at the horizon between the sky and the sea until his peace was disturbed once again.

"Honey, come here! Come here!" The man shouted upon seeing his wife passed by Jipyeong's camera. He runs to his wife and start whispering (loudly).

"Come here. He is shooting right now." He grab his wife hand and left. "Oh.. I'm sorry" he said as they left. Jipyeong watch them silently without replying. He continues to stare blankly in the peaceful moment he sought for.

"Is the camera able to shoot for filming?" A woman voice was heard. Jipyeong tried to ignore it. He delve himself into his own thoughts as they talk among themselves. As time goes by, the people are gathering one by one. Unexpectedly it turns into a lecture by one strange man.

"I'm really sorry, excuse me." Jipyeong finally say something as he felt the need to stop this ridiculous act.

"Oh, we're sorry. It look like an emotional scene. We must be in the way." said the strange man. He seemed to be in his 40s unlike everyone else there that seems to be in their 60s. "You look great. Are you an actor by profession? Talent?"

"No" Jipyeong answered and paused. He is stunned. What is this weird scenario.

"I just came for a memory trip."

"Hmm, memory travel scene." That man said in amazement. The locals are amused with Jipyeong and start whispering among them, admiring Jipyeong.

"No, is it not that. I just really come here for a memory trip." Jipyeong answered as he began to get flustered upon seeing the reaction.


Note: You can watch the rest in the video. Hahahahahaha xd.

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