{Love never dies }

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This story is just an imagination so please don't take it seriously ! This story is meant for entertainment purpose and nothing is real except the names ! My series are not meant for hate towards any of the idols ! I don't own any pictures so all credits goes to rightful owners ! Story line is mine so don't copy or repost it without my permission !

Let's get into the story

After a week :

{ In this week all became close to each other and grew feelings for each other . Namjoon & Richa always helped each other in work and after work they researched about the murders which process is same . The result got them shock . There are many murders which process is same.  All got tensed because for every 4 to 5 days there will be a murder happening in foreign or other villages . Jin & Rithu also helped each other in work and after that they checked every room in hospital to find clues. Yoongi & Ishika always stayed with each other in work & after work to find the clues outside of hospital . Hobi & Aria were in charge of research of criminals who had the same process to kill . In middle police also asked help to Kim Industries , Min Industry , Jung industry , Park industry , Jeon industry to help them to find out abt the killer because their ancestors were in police department as chiefs & all industries are abt art , mystery , police department  . That made 7 boys & girls strong and happy  . Jimin & Sara were a couple now because they got to know each other while work and in solving few mysteries.  Both were intelligent so they easily solved some cases while researching abt their main case . Tae & sai are also a couple and they were together all the time . All girls were happy to see sai smile through heart . Tae & Sai always did their work on time and after that they spent the time with each other because sai shouldn't get tensed . If she did then she have breathing problem and heart problem too . Jungkook & Olivia also became a couple through the work . Katara always managed the hospital and staff so no one would get doubt on them }

In sai's  bedroom :

{ Both were on bed in each others arms taking rest after the work }

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{ Both were on bed in each others arms taking rest after the work }

Tae */smile * : tigress { your nick name} look at me !

Sai *looked up * : yes my tiger

{ Both laughed }

Tae * stops laughing * : you trust me right ! So no need to pressure yourself ! I will always be with you from now . Never lose hope yourself ok ! I love you alot 💗

Sai * cups his face * : hmm . I love you too 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 * flying kiss *

Tae * smrinks * : i don't want that type of kiss.  I want another one !

{ And of course they didn't kiss each other yet }

Sai * cuts by tae * : Wha-

{ Tae leaned in and kissed sai { you } . Both smiled and didn't move the lips at first . After few seconds they moved their lips . Their kiss was full of love  . after a while they backed away and connected their foreheads before exchanging I love you's }

To be continued.........................................

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