❤️Chapter 7- Love's A Compromise💔

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     Ms. Samba was once again talking very passionately about love.

     She expressed how it should be cherished, but seen with focused eyes.  She had said blind love is dangerous, but real love is precious... as if she already hadn't said that.

     Halfway through her lecture about being love's advocate, Jessica raised her hand.  Ms. Samba called on her and the girl's piercing gaze landed straight on me, "Nash started an anti-love club."

     I guess Finley had let that slip.  We were planning on waiting to announce the club, until all the flyers were finished and up.  Guess not anymore.

     "You detest love to such an extent you created a hate club for it?"  Ms. Samba assumed, free of judgment.

     "I don't detest love because it doesn't exist.  I detest the idea of love."  She nodded, "well, Nash, I believe this period will help your argument."  Um... okay?  She's been love obsessed since school started and now, supposedly, she was about to lecture in favor of my perspective?  Huh.

     "Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor divorced after seventeen years of marriage.  They had two kids they loved very much together and still both continue to raise.  They've been in several movies together as well.  Now, any ideas as to why they got divorced?"

     It had to be something that no longer let their relationship be convenient.  Money could be a factor, but if they were both actors I doubt it was.  They could have developed other relationships with a certain cast member on a movie set which would drive them apart.  Regardless, I was eager to see where Ms. Love Is Everywhere was taking this.

     "Paparazzi?"  A girl, Megan, suggested.  Ms. Samba shook her head;


"Strain of being parents?"

"Never truly in love?"

     All of those answers were wrong.  "Stiller was too busy with his acting schedule while Taylor stayed focused on being an at home mom.  Both of these tasks put a knot in their relationship, leading to divorce.  But, that's not why they grew apart."

     Hm.  No affairs or taking a liking to another, no money, time didn't hinder them, parental responsibilities didn't bother them, so why did they grow apart? 

     Stiller worked all the time and couldn't hang out with his wife or kids as much.  He could've taken a break from making movies to focus on his family, the guy had plenty of money to do so.  But, he didn't which left me with a reasonable answer.

     "He let his work consume him and didn't care enough for his wife to take a break.  He wanted to keep acting, she wanted a present husband," I said much to Ms. Samba's pleasure.

     "Right you are, Nash.  Stiller loved his work more than he loved his wife.  Taylor loved him being present more than she loved him away."

     I spoke up, "it wasn't convenient anymore."  She nodded at me with a smile, "love isn't always convenient.  It doesn't work off of one spouse's enjoyment and leave the other miserable.  Love is about compromise.  People who go into a relationship expecting 50, 50 never find love, but people who go into a relationship expecting 100, 100 started their foundation on love.  Love isn't about convenience and only giving 50% while expecting 50% from your partner.  Love is about compromise, giving 100% and expecting 100%.  You go into love with your all or you will fall short.  That is why Stiller and Taylor divorced; they weren't willing to compromise once it was out of their convenience."

     I feel like I'm in speech class. The classroom was filled with gasps and shocked expressions, some kids even had a bit of hurt show through in their eyes.

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