The Aftermath

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A/N: I DO NOT SHIP CharlixLucaxLevi, or LevixLuca >:[

"Luca, hey! Wake up, it's only a dream. It's ok, we're here." Levi whispered as he attempted to gently shake his little brother awake, who in turn shivered, still trapped in his dream. "Levi? What's wrong?" Charli yawned, waking up due to the feeling of the bed moving. "He's having a nightmare again, better to wake him up than to let him stay in whatever world he's in." "That makes sense. Hey Lucaaaaa... " Charli called as she shook him awake. "C-charli?" " Yeah, it's just me and Levi, don't worry." Levi hummed and pulled the covers up. "You were having a nightmare again. Everything's gonna be ok, you should go back to sleep." "H-he's back, he wanted to-" " He's not here, he's locked up in jail. Ok?" "He can't hurt you, or us, I promise. Now listen to Levi, go back to sleep ok? We're right here with you." Luca slowly nodded, processing what they had just said. Ok, it's ok. It's safe. "I love you big brother, I love you Charli. " He murmured, still half asleep. He turned over to face Levi, who gently ruffled his hair. " You too you dork." He smiled at that, and felt gentle arms warp around him as Charli pulled him into her. "I love you too Luca." 

Levi groaned as he woke up to the feeling of Luca and Charli curled up next to him. He sighed as he remembered the night before, calming down his brother after a massive panic attack, and then falling asleep with him and Charli. He slowly reached over to grab his phone, trying not to disturb them. The time read 10:34, they'd slept in pretty late, Luca had slept in pretty late. Which was good, he needed the sleep. He slowly got up, making sure to tuck them in and smirking at how Luca curled into Charli even further, a small smile present on both of their faces. He would definitely have to ask about that later. He quietly exited the room and walked downstairs. Is nobody up yet...? What day is it? Ah, saturday. Levi thought for a moment, he wasn't the most amazing cook, but he wasn't terrible either. I'm gonna make pancakes for them. It'll be a pain to make enough food for eight people, but I guess I can give it a shot..! 

Luca yawned and slowly opened his eyes, immediatly blushing at the realisation that he was cuddling with Charli, her arms once again wrapped around him under the covers. He looked next to him to realize that Levi had already left the room. His spot was cold, meaning he got up a while ago. Luca remembered last night, the feelings of desperation and fear followed by the comfort and warmth of his friends. I really am lucky to have them, I wonder what Levi's doing. He didn't wanna get up, not yet. But, he should. Luca kissed Charli before sitting upright, intending to get up and off the bed in one quick movement. However, it proved to be a mistake as his vision blurred and he yelped out in pain, tumbling to the floor. 

So much for avoiding another incident... He thought as he gripped his side again, and shoved down a cry of pain . Owwwww! Why is it hurting again?! It was fine yesterday- Oh. Yesterday. He winced at the memory of being shoved into the cold hard pavement. "Hm..? Wait, Luca?!" " Charli cried, awakened by the noise, scrambling off of the bed to get to him in a panic. "Are you ok?!" "I'm fine. But I uhm, kinda tripped and fell onto the pavement yesterday, and I landed on my left side." He flinched as he sat up and hissed painfully as he lifted up his shirt slightly to look at the damage, which turned out to be a nice big purple bruise right over his scar. Charli gasped in Alarm as Luca quickly tried to calm her down. "That looks bad! Should I get Levi?! Does it hurt a lot?! Do-" "Charli it's ok! Its hurting but it's not as bad as it looks I promise." "Are you sure?" "Yes I'm sure, but I... I don't think I can get up on my own just yet..." He laughed nervously as Charli frowned. 

"You should at least get on the bed, lemme help you." "It's fine, I'll be able to get up on my ow-" "Luca. This is part of the 'letting us help you when you need it' ok?" "I... Ok, fine. How are we gonna do this?" Charli stood up from where she was kneeling down in front of him. "Do you think you can stand with some help? " "Maybe, but I'll give it a shot." She nodded and leaned down so he could grab onto her. He took a deep breath as he prepared himself and took her hand. " One, two, three!" Charli counted as she pulled him up and he pushed himself off of the ground, crying out at the sudden movement. Luca leaned heavily on Charli who did her best to support his weight, which she quickly noticed, wasn't very much. "Sorry!" "I-its fine. At least we did it." He sighed in relief as he was put back on the bed, and winced as he shifted back to lean against the wall, his bruised side now throbbing. "Uhm, Charli. There's a bottle of pills the doctor prescribed in case something like this happened, and a water bottle in the nightstand drawer. Could you please pass them to me?" "Yeah, give me a sec." "Thanks. I'll be ok in a few minutes." "Take you're time, we're not in a rush." Luca sighed and instantly noticed a faint, but sweet smell. 

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