「 A walk and sleepover 」

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Ship : Drake - Drew x Jake

Type : Fluff

Requested by : @cloudless_cacti

Full of boredom, Drew just lazing on his bed.
It's Sunday and it's already late afternoon, but he doesn't seem to want to do anything except eat and bathe.

At that moment, he got a message notification from someone He wouldn't expect.


Jake :
Hey Drew, what are you doing?


The message woke him up from his bed, making him respond immediately to the message.


you :
Hey Jake. I was just lying down. Looks like i'm bored..


And Drew finally actually got out of bed after getting Jake's next message.


Jake :
Do you want to go for a walk in the park, together? Get some fresh air ...?

you :
Oh ? Sure ..

Jake :
Okay. I'm coming now, we'll go to the park near your house, so it's not far.

you :
Ok see you then


Drew rushed over, so much different to the previous lazy move.

You can't say it's weird, why? Because you know, Drew has a crush on Jake. And Drew had broken up some time ago with Zoey and wasn't feeling sad but rather happy-

Wearing his casual outfit, as well as a jacket wrapped around his waist. He was ready and finally sat back down on his bed and faced down before going out of his room.

"Ah, what a fool I was expecting too much, but okay. At least we're still friends ..." He sighed, and finally stood up and grabbed the knob of his big bedroom door, closed it and immediately went downstairs.
The house is quiet. His parents must have been busy and no one else but him and his parents lived there.

His phone notification sound interrupted his thoughts, but finally he came out to see Jake in front of his house, smiled faintly and greeted him, "Hey Drew! Come on!!"

Drew just chuckled and chose to nod in response 'Yes'

It didn't take long for the two to reach their destination, because as Jake said earlier, the park was near Drew's house.

It was stiff and awkward at first but , Jake finally opened their conversation as they still walking, "Hey... The competition is close.... And we're very ready."

Thinking for a moment, Drew replied "Mhm, yes I know. Looks like you're starting to fit in there eh?"

"That's how it is, and... I really want you and the club to be friends.. It's just I can't just seem to have friends, that still split to 2" His voice disappeared slowly. Facing the other way because he felt Drew would refuse his request.

Tilting his head, Drew sighed and finally said something that lit the peach boy up. "Oh? That's it? Okay, tomorrow after school, tell them to meet me in front of my locker, so then I'll apologize to them. Besides, I also feel bad, even tho they didn't bother us but we did." That's not a lie, Drew really wanted to make up with the music club but didn't really can't. But since this was Jake's request, then it should be done immediately.

"Wait, for.. Real..?"

"You'd think I'm lying?"

"Heh , thanks Drew." He chuckled.

Drew only smiled and then look straight to the front , His face turned a bit red.

The two continue talking. Slowly lots of raindrops fell, making the two tilted their head up.

Drew groaned, "Why now." While Jake only chuckled.

"Aw, let's just put Your jacket on." Said Jake , while putting on His jacket. And Drew just obeyed even though he was still annoyed.

They ran towards Drew's house to avoid the rain.


The rain was getting heavier and heavier.

There was the sound of gurgling water outside, and both of them had changed clothes after taking a shower. They didn't forget to have dinner...

"It's already late. But it's still raining. Want to stay?" Without realizing it, the question came out of Drew's mouth.

Jake, "Oh? If it doesn't bother you, that's fine." He shrugged his shoulders and chuckled warmly, knowing that Drew's face was heating up.

"Well, my parents will be home late.. I can ask permission to them" said Drew while reaching for his cellphone which was beside him. Jake nodded once in response.


The cold air that night was really cool and made both of them shiver. The rain was really not over, I don't know how long. Even so, the rain was not as heavy as before.

"Oh, my father said yes."

"I already knew it. But, why the response took so long?" Jake sounded like he was grumbling.

"Dunno , There might be a problem"


Without knowing what to do, the two finally continued to chat like they had in the park.

Drew's mood got better, because of this. He was very grateful for the rain that fell heavily this evening. So he had time with Jake.






"Hey Jake. Sorry for forcing you to leave the music club, even though you don't want to, but you didn't refuse it."

The two of them were in Drew's enormous room. continue their chat. But somehow Jake didn't answer.




Again, no answer.

"You fell asleep huh? ... Well, i hope you didn't hear this .. I like you. I don't know since when but i'm not lying."Drew blurted out his feelings , as he know that Jake already fell asleep.

"This felt weird, like.. Confessing to their crush who is asleep. But i'm much better when you're by my side, thanks for everything. Goodnight Jake" Kissing Jake's forehead, he then drift off to sleep.




"Drew.. Likes me ..?"


This is my first time writing oneshots , and I hope it's not that bad:'. I also want to apologize because it took Me so long to do Your request ):





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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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