Chapter one- tonics nightmare

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well it was dark. like a long empty cave of nothingness that stretched for as long as anyone could think. tonic walked through the darkness with no light nor clue of where exactly she was going or planning to go. after continuing this for quite some time she stared to get frustrated and aggregated. she growled at the dark and shoved her hands in her pockets at continued. "ugh if this continues I'm going to go completely mad!" she said into the void. ''if i ever get back ill have to be sure to tell toxin about this.'' a loud boom sounded through the void. ''what the heck was that?!'' she tried to follow it but it faded too quickly with no true direction revealed to her. ''oh great I'm going to get stranded here in the middle of absolutely no where'' she thought. but she kept moving. walking onward until she was greeted by a fimliar eerie sound wait not sound more of a song, yes that was it , it was a song and by the sound of it a piano. after piecing that together she concluded is was purple tyrant, a song she and Kurloz both enjoyed to hear or in tonics case perform, even though it drove her brother crazy when she did so. toxin, her twin brother who drove her crazy and up the wall, who enjoyed to play music with her when she was bored, who stuck by her side through thick and thin and thin and thinner.though now was not that time. she wasn't sue where he was. she didn't even know where she was. ''toxin? are you out there? please if you can hear me give me a sign. karkat? yeah i bet you probably cant hear me or are probably at tis point probably to mad at me to listen. Kurloz? i swear if this is yet another test i will have the pleasure of making you regret every last scarring moment of this. i know gamzee cant hear me.'' a voice ran past her, in her ear its low hissing that made her spine shiver. the point in which she wanted to hiss back in waning but it was too dark to see anything. its hiss formed words she could finally understand,"oh tonic, hehe why not just give up? your no going to get anywhere other than deeper into this nightmare of yours. surrender." se couldn't help but laugh at this,"hehe me?surrender to you? a voice in which i don't even know who you are or what your motives are? fat chance of that one. ill surrender the same day karkat doesnt criticize anyone. heh that will be the day." it growled loudly at her. ''if your going to hiss at me you might as well make yourself useful and make so light or something cause i cant see a thing in here!'' she continued on her path but as though she ad simply walked off the face of the earth she was falling. she braced for the impact but it didn't come. ''oh come on don't tell me I'm going to keep falling like this......gog i think i read something like this in a book once or maybe it was a movie, lets see the girl falls down the rabbit hole and keeps falling down to the center of the earth...oh my gog i bet skyia i messing with me again i hate this game session so much right now i swear.'' but soon she felt something and everything turned into a white blur. her head throbbed and her skull spun as though she was seeing stars. as her vision cleared she could see dark stone walls lit by torches. a horrible thought crossed her mind wen every now and then shed see a spatter of a warm color on the ground or wall. she got to her feet and looked round. her sylladex was still locked and her weapon nowhere to be found. she grabbed a torch and walked down the halls. ''tonic? where are ya sis? gog where are you?!'' a voice came to her attention. it was toxins. she ran through the halls screaming his name until she collided with a figure. sure enough is was toxin, his long curled hair pulled back into a ponytail, face paint done like gamzees with little fang marks in the smile and his shiny purple snake bites at the fang-tips. his white hoodie was slightly torn and his eyes wide as though he was seeing a ghost. ''wow toxin your white as your hoodie what happened?!'' he looked at her and hugged her but then pulled back. "i could ask you the same thing sis you look like you were just hi by a train" she glared "yeah yeah remember me to laugh about that later where are we anyways?!" he shrugged "i don't know and to be honest i kinda don't want to know this place is creepy even for me all i can remember is we were walking trough pulse and haze and.... thats it that's all i remember" she remembered it too her memory clouded by a bright light that made her head throb to think about it. ''i hate to say this but what has been mess with us in here i think they don't want us to learn what happened like thats their plan." he nodded ''yeah well we better get moving maybe our ear pieces will pick up signal eventually." that was it , the ear pieces, it was how they communicated to the rest of the team. "you think justice and dani and the others are looking for us by now?" she said as they walked thorough the halls. she walked beside her,"yeah probably but hey if we don't turn up they can all handle them selves, ok most of them can, strider is toast if we don't get back the team will start plotting against him like some kinda weirdo following them around'' that made her smile, her brother always knew how to make the situation better no matter what. a rushing sound came, like the sound of rushing water, it was too, the water rushed down the hall splashing their ankles. ''ok did it look like we ordered a sea-dweller gathering arena to you?!'' tonic hisses at the eerie voice knowing it could hear her. they continued on though. ''aw man these are new sneakers too!!'' toxin growled at the water. ''chill out drama queen they're just sneakers at last its not our ponytail oh wait i would love that to happen though the ponytail gone forever hehe i can just imagine it'' he punched her in the shoulder. ''gog sis can you not go two minutes with plotting against my ponytail or something?!'' ''hehe maybe bro sometimes i think it fuels your little ego wait that isn't little its almost as bad as cronus's, but really i think he has a disease or something an ego that big might but pretty harmful to someone.'' Toxin laughs then stops moving. "Oh my gog tonic? Do you hear- oh gog look!!!" Toxin points into RONG of them and they see a pair of shadows. "Oh gog what is that?" The shadows leap forward and tackle the twins then jump back. They take the shape of both tonic and toxin in a shadowy look. "Jegus Christ!! What the heck did they just do?!" Tonic mag add to studded out. Toxin can only shake his head. "Well we don't have weapons s-sorry im guessing we run?" she nodded '' yeah running may be our best option not to mention the best option for our health'' they ran down the hall the water rising till it was to they're waists. they soon lost site of the shadows . ''ok this water is driving me nuts'' he growled and uncapturloged a large rock blocking off the water. ''why do you have a rock in your- never mind i don't care nor want to know.'' they continued to walk as the hallway disappeared walls crumbling and disappearing into space they continued walked though absolutely nothing until a white floor apeared with white walls and a white ceiling. ''ok yeah when we get home were going to get our heads checked.'' tonic hisses in irritation. as they walked something dripped from the ceiling hitting the floor making a small puddle. toxin walked up to it examining it as he noticed the color. it was bright red! he jumped back as another crack formed letting another color leaked into the room. tonic seen the color as a sick feeling washed over her making her cringe. the second color was a royal indigo. the puddles soon grew big enough and they soon mixed together making a bright purple color, tyrant purple. more creaks form letting the three colors rain in as though a light rain shower. the twins now covered in the colors ran. they looked to the place where they entered as the water rushed in mixing with the blood rain making it into a rush of tyrant purple blood it was now up to they're shoulders and neither of them could swim. ''bro i don't think we're gonna make it wed need a miracle.'' tonic looked at her brother in fear of their early death that was bound to come.''it was nice knowing ya sis'' toxin hugged his sister tightly the blood up to their chins. ''wait no your making it out of here'' she grabbed him helping him onto her shoulders. '' just bake into one of the crakes then you should be home free ok?'' he nodded then looked down at her smirking before she realized something. this wasn't her brother it had been another shadow the whole time. i kicked her in the back as she sunk into the blood water and opens her eyes to see it tackling her under the water. is claws scratched up her shoulders as she tryed to overpower it but it was no use. her lungs screamed and burned for air but the shadow seemed so strong. its fangs sunk into her shoulder drawing more blood. its claws raised one last time and came down slicing through her torso.............

She woke up in a cold sweat gasping for air clutching her blanket to herself. she was in he darkened living room. karkat must have covered her up when she fell asleep. had been a dream...she seen the clock read 5:12am. no one else was up yet. "geez why do i always have nightmares when i sleep on this couch?!?!" she sighed not wanting to move from the warm spot. "eh, five more minutes." ~amonus music and creepy fade out~

Note: thanks for reading guys it really means a lot leave your comments.......I'm working on part two :o)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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