Jack? Papa?

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After the defeat of Pitch Black, The Nightmare King, the Guardians began to meet almost weekly for meetings. They did so for two reasons, one is to be aware of there is a uprising of another dark power and the second was the fear of having their newest member feel like he is once again forgotten.
After three hundred long years in isolation in the body of around fourteen leaves a effect on people. A bad one at that.
Today the Guardians were having one of their now common meetings. All were in attendance, all but one. That one was none other than Jack Frost, the spirit of winter.
After forty minutes later the remaining Guardians had started to get worried. All showing it in different ways......Bunny masked his in anger.
"Where is the frostbite?! He knows he is supposed to be here!" The grey Pooka yelled.
He had received no answer for almost five minutes. Than the door slammed open. He was surprised it was still one its abused hinges.
The Guardians heads all snapped towards the door expecting to find their youngest their, but instead walked in Mother Nature and Ombric.
"Hello Guardians sorry to interrupt your meeting but Ombric has something he wishes to say to you." Ombric hesitated but when his eyes met Natures he spoke.
"After a bit of working Jack and I have finally uncovered all of his memories and by all I do mean all." Ombric informed the others.
"Yes, well I think it will be best for him to come out himself and tell you. Bunnymund I am sorry we kept this from you, but it was to keep Jack safe." Bunny adopted a look of confusion with that statement but before he could say anything Mother Nature walked out the door. She came back in leading a dazed Jack Frost. The new knowledge of his memories must of really put him into a state of shock.
"Jack, sweetie. We brought you you to Bunnymund. See?" Seraphina directed Jack towards Bunny.
Jack's small head began to shake 'no'. He tried to turn away and leave.
"Why not Jack?" Serphina asked, with true concern.
"It's not him. He was stronger. He never left without his green cloak." Jack said in such a quite voice that Seraphina almost had trouble catching it. But Bunny with his sensitive hearing heard exactly what Jack said.
"Wait? Jack never even knew of my green cloak. How does he know now? (Unless North told him). Seraphina what is going on?" Bunny asked annoyed but curiously.
"We'll since Jack is still a little out of it for at least another five minutes I will explain. Once long ago in the Golden Age Bunnymund had a mate. I remember her so. She was so kind to me. The two one day had a kit. A little baby boy. He took his looks after his mother, with fur as white as the snow, with silver markings. His fur pattern though. He was the true child of Spring and Winter. He was such a happy baby. Hardly ever cried. He loved his papa and mama more than anything. Everything in the Bunnymund house was going perfectly. All until the war with the Nightmare King. Bunnymund fought his hardest to protect his family. He was to late though. A group of nightmares attacked Bunny's home whilst he fought. He came back to find his mate dead an his baby missing."
"Why?! Why do you have to remind me?!" Bunny yelled.
"Because the child did not die instead he was changed, changed to a human. He was adopted by a loving family, the Overlands. They named their new son Jackson Overland. Many years later the pooka babe grew to a young human child of thirteen. He and his adoptive parents daughter went out to ice skating. When the ice began to crake he pushed his sister off the ice but at a cost. He fell through and died. He was reborn that night as Jackson Overland Frost, more so known as Jack Frost."
Bunny fell to his knees and sobbed. "No, no! It ca..can't be! It just can't!" Tooth and Sandy came to his side.
Seraphina nudged Jack towards Bunny after she reassured him it was his father.
"P..papa?" Jack said unsure with tears in his eyes as he went up to Bunny.
Bunny looked up at Jack as into his watery blue eyes. He saw his wife when he looked into his eyes and knew what Seraphina was saying was true. "My kit my baby b..boy." Bunny said in a quiet voice. He opened his arms to the trembling child, who took that opportunity and ran into the open arms. The arms of his father.
"It's okay Jack. I'm here and I am never leaving again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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