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The bell rang indicating for the students to go inside their respective classroom's, most students skipped and some went to their rooms.

sitting in their chairs, hoseok smiled

oh how he loved math

not like every student around who doesn't care about learning but just cares for their grades

heels can be heard clanking outside the hallways, everyone knew it's their teacher

the door flew opened, entering the familiar lady and a elegant and dazzling female following her

receiving whistles the teacher sighed, fixing her glasses

" good morning my little rats "

the half of the class laughed, yes , they agree math sucks but the teacher teaching it is the greatest

" so as you might've heard or seen, we have a new student joining us today.. please miss kim introduce yourself to the class " the lady smiled, plopping her files on her desk

walking to the front the female beamed her infamous yet contagious smile, capturing all of the boys heart well not all, Hoseok isn't interested in girls but he agrees the female looks surreal

" Hello, my name is Jennie Kim im 19 years old and i lived in Auckland, New Zealand. I hope we all get along " finishing with a smile the female received claps and various smiles

" thank you ms.kim, you can take that vacant seat besides mr.jeon, Mr.Jeon please raise your hand "

a tattooed hand rose up, it came from him

Jeon Jungkook

the school's biggest fuck boy, the male smirked and winked at the female but got a disgusted look as a response


the bell rang indicating it's lunchtime, the students sighed happily, rushing to the cafeteria bringing their pocket money or their homemade lunches

being the loner that he is, Hoseok doesn't fit through the school's students. instead being in the cafeteria with some friends

Hoseok would eat his lunch at the school's grassfield, all alone

opening his lunch box, the aroma of his lunch was greeted on his nose

taking out his chopsticks the male separated the sticks and stuffed his mouth with the food, tasting thee well made lunch

as the male was about to shove another food on his mouth he was a disrupted by a figure towards him

" hey! can i sit here with you? " said a daring feminine voice

he looked up, It's the new girl

" oh.. u-uhm do you w-want me to leave..? " stuttering, the male picked his lunchbox , hugging it

" oh please don't leave.. i don't really like the others they're just..... weird plus! you look cool "

blushing, hoseok likes her attitude already

" thank you! " bowing his head he beamed his infamous heart shaped smile to the giggling female

" let's eat ey? "

" okay! "

at the end of the day, the duo went along really well

oh how the both of them are so naive

if only they knew two icy glaring eyes are focused on them

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