lost journal belonging to Emma marry Copper

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Soldier Copper.

 i was born on October 30, 1923. 20 years old. I went to war, although not granted permission. by cutting my hair and usinf a corset around my bust.while in  war i beefriended a man named Bucky Barnes. he and i went on a mission and were captured by german intelligents, or HYDRA. afterr beingg there for a time a men captain america came and got us out. although we were seperated i believe bucky was  saved as well. shortly after returning to base, captain america wlaked in one me as i was taking off my corset. saying war was too dangeruas for a women, he sent me  home. after a week home HYDRA soilders attacked my home, killing my sisters and father, and taking me prisoner. Torturing me, telling me that Captain America did this to me, that i should want revenge. 

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