Soldier Copper.
i was born on October 30, 1923. 20 years old. I went to war, although not granted permission. by cutting my hair and usinf a corset around my bust.while in war i beefriended a man named Bucky Barnes. he and i went on a mission and were captured by german intelligents, or HYDRA. afterr beingg there for a time a men captain america came and got us out. although we were seperated i believe bucky was saved as well. shortly after returning to base, captain america wlaked in one me as i was taking off my corset. saying war was too dangeruas for a women, he sent me home. after a week home HYDRA soilders attacked my home, killing my sisters and father, and taking me prisoner. Torturing me, telling me that Captain America did this to me, that i should want revenge.
Aventuraafter some time memories will fade, people will disappear, faces will vanish, buildings will crumple and mountains will rumple. only to be replaced by new memories, new people and new faces. new buildings will be built where the old ones used to sta...