Thats Mr. Banks?

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Today was the first day back from Christmas break and I was excited to finally finish my last semester of high school. I met my friend Rosalie at her house when I was picking her up. "Hey." She huffs as she gets into the car. "Rough morning?" I raise an eyebrow and drive to school.  She shakes her head, "No, just tired."she shook her head. She probably had a rough night with her boyfriend or something. I took her hand in mine to let her know I'm always here.

We parked in the school parking lot and got out. "We have some classes together, right?" I asked her and she nodded, "Math, history, and science. Plus lunch" she tells me and I nod. First we had math, then science, lunch, then I had language arts by myself, then we had history.

We went to our first two classes and they weren't anything special. We just did what we usually did, it was a chill day. Then when we got to lunch we sat with her boyfriend and his friends. Him and I didn't really like each other but we got along for Rose. His friends were pretty stupid like him. They treated girls like crap, with the exception of us. They knew that if they hurt Rose, her boyfriend, Corey, would kill them, even though he hurts her himself. And with me they would be assholes but we just messed around. Then I went to language arts where we just read, didn't really do much. Then I was finally at my last class of the day; history.

I walked in and saw Rosalie sitting at a desk, mentioning me over. When I sat down she began to talk, "I just heard we have a new history teacher named Mr. Banks and he's such a dreamboat." She smirked at the last part. "'Dreamboat'? Who even says 'dreamboat?" I laugh and she shoves me. "Whatever. You know what im sayin'." She laughs and I laugh too. Then, he walks in. "That's Mr. Banks? I thought he'd be a dilf-" I was cut off when Mr. Banks started speaking. "Hello class, I'm Mr. Banks. Seems that your old teacher, Mr. Evans had to leave on paternity leave. Here's the thing, I know you guys don't wanna be here and you wanna get your last year over with so I'm not gonna be too hard on you guys. You'll have to work but it's easy work so don't worry. Also, I want us to have fun in here, I wanna be your friend. But try taking advantage of my kindness, you'll wish you hadn't." He chuckled.  "I like him" I whisper to Rose. She nodded with wide eyes expressing how much she agreed.

We have all been taking turns telling Mr. Banks about all of us so he could get to know us better. It was my turn I was really nervous about it. He looked at me and told me to go with just a nod of his head. "Hi, I'm Y/n and I've gone here for the pass 3 1/2 years. I plan on going to Columbia University after I graduate and I turn 18 in a few months." I smile. I added that last part in just so he had the information. "Nice to meet you Y/n." He smirked and subtilely winked at me. I instantly blushed and looked down, starting to mess with my nails u had just gotten done.

After class Rosalie and I were walking to my car and saw Mr. Banks getting into his. He was driving a Benz GT class and it was nice. "Look at that car! He must have money." I say as we get into the car. She looks and turns back to me, "oh yeah, definitely." She smirks and I drive her home.

Once I get home my parents ask me a bunch of questions about how my first day back was. "Guys it was fine, nothing special. Same old same old." I mumble as I pick at the food my mom made me. "Well make sure you keep those grades up. We want you to get into a good college." My dad smiles and I smile back.
'I can't wait to see Mr. Banks tomorrow'
I thought to myself.

This won't be a long story but I still wanted to make it ◡̈

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