SickInnit - Fluff kinda? - BeeDuo💫 and Tommy📀

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             Tommy's P.O.V

Today was a Lore Stream, I had a bit of a cold but I didn't care or bother to take care about myself, Today's Stream was Important, and I have to do it. As I joined the discord vc Dream Said that Today's lore Streamed would only be Streamed by Me,Wil,Fundy,Dream,Tubbo and Ranboo and the others couldn't stream because some were not allowed, some had their camera broken, Some's twitch wasn't letting them Stream, Yea. "Alright, So *Cough* Only me,Will,Fundy,Dream,Tubbo and Ranboo are *cough* streaming?" I said, "Tommy are you Okay?" Said Will, "yea I'm fine" I said. "Are you sure Tommy?" Said Ranboo, I sneezed and said "Yes I'm sure" I said. "If you say so" said Tubbo.

We have been doing lore for a while. I was coughing and sneezing for a bit, Much bloopers,Laughs,Poggers from the boys, "Tommy are you really sure you're okay?" Said Dream. "What do you mean?" I said. "You've been pretty much sneezing and coughing most of the time, are you sure you're okay?" Said Fundy. "Of course I'm *cough* fine- *sneeze*" I said. Dang it, the cold was getting pretty bad, I think the others knew I was sick. "Tommy, You are Sick" Said Wil. "I'm not!" I said. I sneezed again, I looked at the chat and saw.

EclipseFoox Tommy you need to stop streaming and take care of yourself.

CharmInnit You need to take care of your Mental Health

[MOD] BlazeSoot agreed Tommy get your rest we can wait another time.

SamNotInnit In fact I agree with Blaze, Tommy we can wait. We won't mind having a delayed lore stream.

Tomboo13 You need rest

[MOD] KydenNap You need rest Tommy

CallMe_Mika Agreeing with everyone, Your rest is waiting for you Tommy.

CallMe_Kine That feels weird Mika-

KariInnit I agree with Kine.

[MOD] RanbooIsMyBeloved Alright guys, put this aside. Tommy you need rest.

GeorgeNotFound Take your rest Tommy.


[MOD] RanbooIsMyBeloved GOGYYYY

I smiled at how the chat was being serious and chaotic at the same time. "Tommy Me and Ranboo are coming to your house." Said Tubbo. "But it's Raining outside!" I said. "We'll take an umbrella." Said Ranboo. "Alright then" I said. "Bye chat!" I said.


             Ranboo's P.O.V

As I stopped the stream, I went out of the room and got my shoes on "Tubbo! Where's your Umbrella?" I said. "Its behind the corner of the door!" Said Tubbo as he shouted back. I was waiting at the door for Tubbo, "Are you ready Tubbo?" I said. "Yep!" Said Tubbo

As we were walking to Tommy's house, It was seen that it was 11:20 AM but we didn't mind, As we knocked on Tommy's door a peak of blonde hair came out. "Hey guys" Said Tommy "Hey Tommy where's your parents?" Said Tubbo. "Business Trip" Said Tommy. "Alright Tommy can We come in?" I said. He thought about it for a while and nodded. "Come in" He said.

"Soo Tommy what do you wanna do?" I said, I got a soft smack from Tubbo. "Lets get tommy's meds first Black and White boy!" Said Tubbo. "Haha! Alright lets get some meds and We''ll have a movie night" Said Tommy.


            Tubbo's P.O.V

"You with your Netflix Movies" Said Tubbo. "Yep,Let me Guess,Your gonna put UP on?" Said Ranboo "How do you know that." Said Tommy, We all burst out in laughter.

As we got ready for the movie, Tommy put up on and said "Imma try not to cry" Said Tommy. "Hey Tubs,Wanna bet 10$ that Tommy is gonna cry?" Said Ranboo. "Alright but Tommy ain't gonna cry" I said. "Bet" Said Ranboo.

It's been a few minutes since the movie started when there was a sad scene, I heard sniffling. I looked to my right to see Tommy with teary eyes, sniffling "AHA!" Said Ranboo, Ran reached his hand to me and said "10$ now Bee boy" Said Ranboo, I let out an annoyed groan and gave him 10$. "Fuck you man" I said. "What did you just say?" Said Ran, "Nothing" I said. "I cant but laugh and cry at the same time" Said Tommy, We all burst out in laughter and the rest of the day was pog.

Tommy got better,Me,Ran and the others weren't worried anymore and yea. That's all

T H E   E N D


                 B O N U S

"Hey Tommy Whats your street name?" Said Tubbo, "#6 Quackity Street" Said Tommy. "That's a weird street name" Said Ran. "Blame the author for that" Said Tommy. "IM TIRED OKAY!? IM SICK AND IM WAITING FOR THE OTHERS TO WAKE UP, ALSO NO BREAKING THE 4TH WALL" Said Me (Sam).

Also, Everyone you should take care of yourself! And This oneshot was made because I'm sick so why not be sick with fictional Tommy? That's all I have to say.

Drink Water.

Have a wonderful day, Btw my yt vid is out lmao (Channel : Samantha Barman Munia✨)

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