1 ||'J' to 'A'

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Her outfit


Kailani's POV


Richelle, Noah, and I were having a turning competition. We had been turning for about 10 minutes now and we were all getting tired.

Soon enough Richelle and I both fell out of it leaving Noah to win. We did these competitions all the time with different skills,  each time Noah won.

"Noah you can stop now, you won." Richelle said drinking her water.

"Must...beat...record." He breathed. Once thing about Noah is he always has to beat his records.

Richelle and I rolled our eyes before each grabbing one of his shoulders and sitting him down.

I got his water bottle from the corner of the room and shoved it into his mouth.

"Thanks." "You can't be tiring yourself out Noah, it's not good for your body." I lectured "I just want to be like Eldon."

"Dance wise or personally." Richelle started. "I don't think it's god to have a new girlfriend every competition."

"Yeah what Rich said."  "Dance wise." We laughed before I went over to turn on some music.

We started working on new tricks, and showing each other, sort of one up-ing each other but in a friendly way.

Noah did a 540, Richelle did a high leap, and I did a back layout.

Then we started turning again. But at the same pace, I don't know why we aren't in B-Troupe yet, we have been in J for the longest time.

According to Richelle we are the best three dancers in J-Troupe. I mean we have all been here in baby ballet, and In J-Troupe forever, and we never left each other's side.

Since we are all so good we push each other, we train together all the time, stretch each other in the morning, sooner or later we're going to be on A Troupe.

The J-Troupers call us the dream team. Because well what can I say; we are the dream team. Every small competition we have as a trio we always win.

We all did backhand springs into a backflip to finish off, "Amazing." I said as we high-fived each other.
Ms. Kate walked into Studio B where we were. "Kailani, Noah can I speak to you guys please."

"Go!" Richelle whispered-yelled to me. I don't like talking to very powerful people. For example, principals, dance captains, head of anything, and especially studio head.

I hesitantly got up by Noah pulling my arm towards Ms.Kate.

"Yeah." Noah said as I nodded. "Okay so I've been thinking, we may be rushing this a bit but I think you're ready for it." She finished.

"For what?" I said chuckling my curiosity taking over.

"I want you guys to move up to A-troupe so you can compete against Elite for a spot at Internationals." As she said Internationals my jaw dropped open.

"Wait, me? So you're saying there is a chance I can dance alongside my sister." I questioned. Ms. Kate nodded. "Yes, of course." Noah and I said at the same time.

"Wait Ms.Kate! I heard Eldon's leaving the studio. Doesn't that mean another spot opens up on A-troupe?" Richelle asked.

I can't imagine how heartbroken she is. Her two best friends going off into A-Troupe, skipping B while she is stuck in J-Troupe.

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