Chapter 17

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Sometimes, it was easy to understand Arcane and Azriel could read her like an open book and sometimes, like this one, he couldn't piece the puzzle of her mind together at all. He silently watched her with a perplexed look on his face as she took lazy steps along the seashore.

"Are you going to do something about the crack in the shield?" He finally asked.

She looked at him once, "Huh? Oh, yeah. Yes, I'll fix it." She continued watching the stormy sky.

"Well then, do it." He pointed at the place that she was supposed to be inspected and claimed she could fix.

"I need several things for that." She mumbled. "I will have to go back home."

"Then go. Why are you standing here, wasting your time?" Azriel frowned.

"Hush." Arcane hissed. "I'm making a mental list."

He sealed his lips shut and Arcane continued to pace in front of him. Feyre had bought up the crack again during lunch and Rhysand had asked Azriel to accompany her here when Arcane said she could get this done in a week but now he was doubting it. Watching her pace the shore with a deep frown made him fear the worst - that she wouldn't be able to fix it and his home would be vulnerable.

"Arcane, you're making me worried." Azriel said. "Can you really fix it?"

She frowned at him, "Of course I can." She shook her head, "Do you think I'm lying?"

"No, no. I'm just asking if it might be a bit too much for you right now. There is no immediate threat. If you want to, you can take a look later." He said soothingly.

Arcane took a step towards him and her grey eyes bore into his hazel ones as she smiled, "I will tell you a secret if you promise never to reveal it. Not even to your shadows." She looked down at the dark tendrils that had taken to wrapping around her silver figure at their own leisure, sometimes even when Azriel needed them.

"That's part of the work I do." He shrugged. "And you're my mate, why would I let out your secret?"

Arcane tilted her head to a side, "I was the one who damaged this shield."

It took his a few seconds to take in her words, even more to wrap them around his mind, "I beg your pardon?"

"I was waiting for you to come when you crashed through my shield." She breezily said and turned away but he caught her elbow.

"You put my people in danger?" He said in disbelief, the shock evident on his face.

"But there is no danger. Nobody knows about the broken shield except us. How could there be a threat?" She shrugged and stuck her lower lip out.

Azriel almost laughed but shook it away, "And you did all this for what?"

"My father. I needed someone to help me get him back and I figured who could be better at than an Illyrian. Of course, I never expected the Illyrian to be my mate." She shook her skirt when a bug sat on it.

Azriel ran a broad hand down his face and breathed deeply, "I don't- Wait. Hold on." He squeezed his eyes shut and exhaled from his mouth. "So, you broke the shield so the Night Court would eventually have to come and ask you for help? Because you wanted the help of an Illyrian to rescue your father?"

Arcane nodded earnestly.

He nodded along with her. "Makes sense. Except that you didn't ask for much help. You honestly just forced me to help you." He glared at her and she smiled innocently. "And I just coincidentally turned out to be your mate?"

A Court Of Moonlight And Shadows (An Azriel/ACOTAR Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now