CHAPTER 2: An old witch

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The city was suddenly wide awake. It may have been after midnight, but the street was filled with curious people. The unexpected murder was like a nightmare that forced them to promptly wake up from their sleep filled with colourful dreams and step into the cruel reality. Everyone wanted to see the new victim of the dreaded phantom of hearts. The rumour of 'him' leaving the blade behind drew even more unwanted attention to the scene, causing lot of chaos on the street.

On the other hand the mess caused by the bystanders helped Morgana to blend in with the crowd. Unseen she returned into the castle, but not to get some rest. She knew that her brother will quickly recognize the dagger he gifted her for her birthday, so she was aware that she'll have to flee right after getting the job done and collecting the payment there was something else she needed to do first though. She had to take stuff that she prepared for the journey earlier. She packed a small bag with some spare dress with shoes, fire striker, a small knife and other essentials in it... and finally she took a sapphire necklace that her deceased mother gave her out of her jewellery box and put it safely in her secret pocket. She intended to give it to her lover as sign of her love and devotion for HER.

She grabbed her bag in hurry and the last thing she had to do, before meeting her love in the woods and running far anyway with her, was to pay a visit to Margot. Old witch looking like lady, who handed her the targets. The pitiful man she killed tonight wasn't her first hit, she got rid of quite a lot of men by now and she got paid generously, though she needed more. Though Morgana counted and the money she was promised for killing Sir William seemed to be enough to escape Uther.

Margot lived on the city's border which was dangerous area for young brunette, because those places were strongly guarded and she couldn't be caught by the soldiers on guard. If they'd spotted her outside of the castle walls they would drag her back to the palace, because she was prohibited from being there during night. It would ruin everything she'd worked so hard on.

Quietly like a grey little mouse, she slipped through their fingers. Very carefully, making sure no one sees her she approached the shack and knocked three times on the old lady's door. After a while of silence she heard some unknown sounds coming from behind the door, probably the silver fox getting out of her bed.

In a few she opened for the young woman, silently let her in and quickly closed the door. Green orbs met with dark browns and plain question:

"Is it done?"

"Would I be here if it wasn't?"

"I asked you something!"

"Have I ever let you down?"

"What about the James thing?"

"There were complications but I've dealt with them."

"Right... Here!"

The old twisted woman hands her a small pouch filled with gold. Morgana frowns as she sees her reward.

"This is way less than what I've agreed on!"

"Take it or leave it, girlie!"

"No, no, no. I did all your dirty work, I got rid of all the cheaters and abusers- anyone you asked me to! I simply want what's rightfully mine!!!"

"You ain't getting more! Unless-"


She was surprised by old woman's attitude, but she felt also angry and frustrated. Angry at the silver witch for lying, but also at herself for trusting this dubious bitch. She caressed the necklace in her pocket and decided rather to sell it to get the money she needs than do anything more for this liar.

"Whatever you want, I'm not interested!"

She takes the gold for Sir William's murder, turns her back on the woman and decides to leave, when Margot wickedly laughs.

"You sure you want to leave just now?"

"Yes! I told you! I'm done."

As she makes few other steps forward when the old woman sneers again.

"How far you think you'll get with that?"

"Excuse me?!"

"You're trying to flee to Morgause's kingdom with the little pet of yours, aren't you?"

"Don't you dare-"

"It is the truth, isn't it?"

Morgana falls silent. How does she know about her plans? How does she know about Ka- Is she a real witch or a seer?

"You think you can take care of her with just that? You need more and I can give it to you, if you just-"

"Shut up!"

She knows much- too much. There can't be anyone who could help Uther to find her and her lover. Morgana knows she can't let it slide, she's a protector, she helped many women to get rid of their violent husbands. Now she has to protect herself and HER.

"You know taking my offer is your only option!"

The eyes of the younger woman turn black, there's anger visible on her face as she turns back to the witch. Looking around to find some proper tool.

"You are right,... I have only one option now."

Morgana promptly reaches for huge knife placed on the table where Margot was cutting something probably for dinner earlier. She takes a swing with it at the silver fox's throat. Skilfully cutting deep, killing her almost instantly. The huge incision opened up the neck wide and blood squirt Morgana's pale face and shoulders, ruining her clothes. The lifeless body falls to the ground with loud bang.

The woman wipes the blood from her face and looks straight into the cold dead eyes of the witch and whispers:

"All the men I've killed before, I killed for you and to be free with HER. But this? This is for me. You used me and you simply knew too much! Nobody can know where we are headed."

After that she steps aside from the body, she doesn't pay much attention to it and decides to search the hut better. Of course she found more gold, even more that she was promised and quickly shoves it to her bag. She cleans herself up and changes clothes. Surprisingly the old lady had some fairly good dress. She also took some more tools that could come in handy along with a crossbow that was hanging above fireplace and once again run into the dark cold night. This time to finally reunite with her lover.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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