The end

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Marshall woke up inside a Hospital to see his friends and...and..and
CHASE he was alive with bandages wrapped around his chest

"Marshall your okay!" Everest said hugging him
Marshall hugged back he was happy to see his friends especially Everest

"It's good to have you back" Ryder smiled

Everybody began to speak at the same time

"Woah woah guys STOP!" Marshall yelled at his friends who now looked worried he closed his eyes and smiled
"It's good to be back, I missed you all" 

After a group hug the Doctor walked in to give the special news
"Congratulations Marshall we were able to successfully removed the effect of the scroll you'll now be able to live a normal live once again" she smiled

"Thank you" Marshall breathed

"Cmon guys let's go home now it's been a long day, Doctor are we okay to take him?"

"Of course he seems to be healthy and fine" she said leaving the room

"Thank you" Ryder whispered "Alright everyone get in the Paw patroller it's time to go home!"

(at the lookout)

Marshall was sitting on a hill taking in the fresh air and watching the sunset when Everest walked towards him and sat down

"The Sunset is beautiful isn't it" He smiled

"It really is" She said scooting next to Marshall

"Everest now that I'm free again I've wanted to ask you something for a long while now" He looked at her

"You can tell me" she said happily

"Well Everest since the day I saw you on the snow rescue mission with Ryder I looked into you eyes and well...I guess what i'm trying to say is I like you Everest more than just a friend"
"I understand if you don't feel the same way it's just I.." Marshall was cut of by Everest putting her paw over his mouth
"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that" She smiled
"Marshall of course I feel the same the same way, your my Dalmatian my sweet, caring, loving and funny Dalmatian" She said looking into his eyes

"Well Eve I just want to say one more thing" He smiled

"Yeah?" she asked

"I love you" He smiled

The End
Thank You everyone so much for supporting my story and reading it
It means so much to me to make stories for others to read and enjoy
and to all reading this again Thank you for being apart of the Journey for
My very first complete story I will continue to make more stories and I am promising you all a sequel coming this Christmas On December 25 be on the lookout for Marshall's Devotion
I will Spoil a little bit right now for those curious this story will be about Marshall's Devotion towards Everest and Protecting her at all cost's even against him...
That's all for this Story I hope you enjoyed please share this story with other Paw patrol fans and make sure to check out my others Goodbye everyone!

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