One: Earth Sweet Home

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"Are you ready?" Miranda's mom, Lacey asked.

We were outside the mansion that belongs to me. Alfred still has no idea I'm alive and back. I can't wait to see the look on his face.

I nodded to Lacey.

The two guards that were going to arrested him lead us the way to where he was. The royal dining room. He was sitting in my father's chair eating away like he's done nothing.

"Mr. Butera" Jake, the gaurd called.

"It is King Butera to you" He said with so much disrespect.

"Not officially and not ever, in a hour you will no longer have your life" Jake and Matthew grabbed him.

"What in your stupid minds are you two possibaly do-" He paused when he saw me.

"Hi, Alfred. Didn't expect to see me?" I asked.

"Sweetie! Ariana, you are okay" He acted like he knew nothing.

"Cut the crap. I know what you did and so does everyone else now, Your life is in my hands and I chose to drop it. Your head will not longer be attached to your body" I said with no emotion.

"Goodbye uncle, have a nice time in hell" I said.

That was the last time I ever saw him. The next day was my coronation and I was officially queen. I'm now 21, so it's been 2 years since I visited earth. The best months of my life. I really do miss it...... I Miss him.

I was having dinner with Dylan and Miranda before I returned back to earth. I told Dylan that spending a month away from eachother will make our wedding time even more special, he hated the idea, but I have my ways. I told Miranda the truth, that I basically just wanted to see Justin.

"Ariana, Do you have all your necessities on your spaceship, or do you need me to call Manuel to do it for you, My dear?" Dylan asked as charming as always.

"No thank you, I did it myself earlier. I believed that bringing Manuel to take care of it is ridiculous" I took a sip of my red vine.

"Well Ariana, are you excited for your return to earth?" Miranda asked me after a few seconds of silence.

"Very excited, you will be visiting me the third week I am there, correct?" I asked Miranda, she was one to forget.

"Absolutely, I would not miss it for anything. I do predict you will have a nice place for both me and you to stay in?" She answered my question, she was always daddies little rich girl, but I was to.

"I have not actually discussed the arrangement with the owner of the mansion, but I have high hopes. Their is no way he can say no to me" I smirked.

"May I ask who is he?" Dylan asked in a jealous and mad tone.

"He was a friend I made when I first got there. I lived with him for the whole time" I forgot I never told Dylan about Justin.

"Why can he not say no to you?" Dylan asked wanting to more than he should.

"I am very convincing, and anyways, he did say I will always have a room there" I stood up and excused myself not wanting to get another question from Dylan.

"Do you realize Dyaln is going to become your loyal husband? You need to tell him about Justin before you leave" Miranda followed me into mine and Dylans bedroom.

"I know, and I will. I am just scared that if he knows Justin is my first, and probably the best I have ever had that he would not accept me to go" I sighed.

"Do you really need to see Justin?" She asked.

"More than anything. Justin made me feel at home when I was not even in my own galaxy" I layed down.

"Well alright than. Get some sleep, no one wants you to fall asleep on your way there. I will see you in the third week." She gave me a hug before leaving the room.

The next morning, I got up bright and early for my trip. I got dressed and wore Justin's hoodie. I wear it every day when I can.

"You have owned that hoodie for 2 years, it is time for it to go in the trash" Nicholas said.

"I adore it quite a lot. It is like a lucky hoodie, it holds many memories" I said.

"Like the memory of your parents death? Are you serious? Earth is a deadly place" He said.

I love Nick, but he can really push my buttons.

"A good memory, what I did the night before I returned." I said.

"Who were you with? I smell boy all over it. Did you make love with him?" He laughed.

"It's not funny!" I said.

"I know, I know you are waiting for marriage" He said.

If he really thinks I'm waiting for marriage so I can lose my virginity to him. He is so wrong and so late.

"I was not" I said before walking to where my spaceship was waiting.

"What do you mean you were not?" He cought up to me.

"I mean that I was originally waiting for marrige. But I already lost it, to a human" I said before I shut the spaceships doors. Miranda did tell me to tell him.

I didn't want to leave us on a bad page, but he knows I love him. He knows I'll call him when I land. Over the 2 years, we made a phone that you can call to where ever from where ever.

Can't Stay Away 》Justin & Ariana FanFic (Backpack: Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now