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Mercedes pov:

I woke up looking around. I blinked a few times then noticed I was in bey and nicki room making me quickly sit up.

I looked over at nicki seeing she was sleep. "nicki" I whispered shaking her but she didn't move.

"nicki" I whisper yelled shaking her harder. She groaned then lifted up looking over at me.

"what ?!" she whisper yelled "can you walk me to the guest house ?" I asked.

I don't wanna go out there by myself.. i'm scared.

"no i'm not walking yo ass no where i'm sleep" she said turning away from me. "please" I whispered shaking her.

"mercedes wake me up again. i dare you" she said looking back at me

"but i need to go to the guest house" I said pouting. "then get yo ass up and go"

"i'm scareddd i don't wanna go by myself" I said "that ain't got nothing to do with me" she mumbled.

"but-"Shut y'all ass up !" bey cut me off.

"you betta be quiet" nika told me lowly laying back down.

She closed her eyes and I huffed. "nicki" I said shaking her.

"girl you betta shut yo ass up" she opened her eyes looking at me "but you need t-"no ! you need to shut up" she said harshly.

"can you please walk me to the guest house" I whispered. "no lil baby just lay down and go to sleep"

"but i-"mercedes i am not sleeping on the couch because of you ! hush !" she whisper yelled.

"but nickiiii" I whined "girl, beyonce will put us out this room. be quiet and go to sleep"

"mmcht nicki" she huffed grabbing me making me lay down.

"i have to-"shh just go to sleep lil baby, before she put us out" she cut me off.

I went quiet for a while and I think she fell back asleep. She's supposed to be taking me to the guest house.

"nickiiii" I whined "Mercedes hush !" she raised her voice lifting up.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BED !!" bey yelled sitting up.

"Baby no that wasn't me" nicki said looking over at her "you are the on that yelled onika" bey gritted looking over at her.

"Mercedes wouldn't leave me alone" she pointed over to me "i just wanted you to walk with me" I said quietly.

"Both of y'all get out my bed. Now" she said pointing over to the couches.

"Babbbyyy it wasn't meee" nicki whined "Yes it was !" bey raised her voice.

Nicki huffed angrily throwing the cover off of herself. She got out the bed stomping over to the couch grabbing a cover on the way.

"Bye mercedes" bey looked over at me. "ok" I said lowly getting out of the bed slowly walking over to the couch with nicki.

"And if I hear y'all ass talking you getting out !" bey said from over at the bed.

I got on the couch next to nicki. "can i get some cover" I asked quietly.

She smacked her lips putting some of the cover over me "i'm so-"go to sleep" she mumbled.

I sighed putting my head down and closing my eyes.

------- ------

Next morning

Onika pov:

"Goodmorning" I said dryly handing mercedes her food. "goodmorning" she mumbled taking the plate from me.

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