Dried Nettle

18 1 24

And the first feast had commenced. First years had already been sorted into their houses, that was so annoyingly long i think if i was there any longer i wouldve taken my wand and shoved it through my eye socket.

Conversations amoungst tables erupted including my own, Dean, Seamus, Ginny, and I were asking Neville questions about the plant Ms Sprout gave him.

"So what the hell is a dead needle?" Asked Dean
"Actually Dean its called dried nettle and, it's wellknown for its spiky hairs that grow on the leaves, not many like them but theyre just interesting" responded a witty Neville...

Dinner soon came to an end and i was more than excited to rush to my dorm..except for the fact that Hermione would be there.

Im just gonna have to suck it up for the sake of both my dignity and reputation.

And as i entered the dorm, Hermione wasnt there, thankfully.

Ginny had another dorm considering shes a year below me which sucks but it happens.

Parvati was settling in her things as was Lavender. They were both really nice to me so i never minded sharing a dorm with them.


I hadnt unpacked from the previous day, i was genuinely too tired to even think of doing such.

I got out of bed after 30 minutes of procrastination. I noticed i had Deans scarf for some reason and knew i had to give it to him now or i would forget.

I ran to the male side of the gryffindor tower with socks and flip flops.. not a smart decision on my part but its only dean so i dont have to look like a model.

"Yo Dean i got ur scarf" i whispered while entering the room full of hormonal teenage boys who either REAKED of axe body spray or they smelled like they havent showered in several years.

And of course most were well asleep except Neville and Harry who were studying or reading or something i dunno i just left the scarf on Dean's nightstand. However i didnt see Seamus in bed.

Instead i noticed him in Dean's bed.


You would think they would tell their best friend but ig not. I saw it coming though, it wasnt exactly oblivious.

Just as i was about to turn around and leave i felt the presence of someone behind me. Just great what if its Harry someone im quite terrified of or what it its-

"Whatre you doing in here" said a rather tired voice.

"I uh was returning Dean's scarf" i said whilst turning around to see a VERY pale chest knowing who it belonged to.. Weasley.

"Interesting" said Ron

I laughed

"You think i would come here purposely knowing that you live here? Absolutley not"

"You arent a gift yourself l/n so why dont you just go, yeah?" He chuckled with a sideways smirk as he put his hands on his knees to match my height even though he wasnt much taller than i was.

I flicked him in the eye. Stupid ginger.

I returned to my dorm in annoyance. When it comes to Ron i guess i act like a Dried Nettle plant, cause all i want to do is cause harm, like a Dried Nettle.

The first 2 days back at Hogwarts werent spent in classrooms, instead students had 2 days of freedom snd since its summer alot of us tend to go to the lake for a swim inlcuding Dean Seamus Ginny and I, which we planned to do today so i shoved a bunch of things in a tote bag and got ready.

However Ginny takes forever and set us back by a couple minutes meaning we probably wouldnt get a good spot. Thanks Ginevra.

Ron's POV:

Harry and i had plans for the lake today so i threw on trunks and an assload of sunscreen given im ginger.

Harrys only motivation was seeing my stupid sister in a bikini.. its quite repulsive.

As we were walking to the lake when Ginny and her friends werent far behind us on the walk from the school to the lake.

Her friends are dorky and annoying, well specifically y/n she gets on every nerve i have its annoying as hell.

As they caught up they eventually got ahead of us and y/n wasnt wearing shorts over her bathing suit as if anyone wants to see that. Cover up weirdo. Well i guess i cant be talking i wasnt wearing a shirt so eh?

I didnt even notice it was y/n at first until i saw Ginny. When did this happen? Was she suddenly not as repulsive looking?? Naw im just horny thats definitely it.

Setting down my things near the water as Harry had already started swimming he was so hot..temperature wise. ("Ron its so hot outside")

Meanwhile i was too busy putting gallone of sunscreen on thanks to my ginger genes.

I gazed across the lake to get a general idea of who was here and how much room to expect and i saw such an attractive girl i almost didnt recognize who it was..y/n.

It was a black one peice with a very low cut in the front revealing alot of..well theres no nice way to say this but tits.

Maybe she did have a glowup? Naw..like i said its the horny in me.

"Firecrotch when you plan on getting in? Who're you looking at-" said Harry leaning onto the land from the water he emerged from. Then he saw what or who i was looking at and laughed.

"Not your type" he had said.
"Oh shut up Harry"
"At least my mum loved me" he replied jokingly.

And so i had jumped into the water chasing after Harry after that remark about my mum. And his agility had made him be a much faster swimmer than i was and before i knew it he was already next to Ginny and Y/N.

He knew what he was doing and i will definently murder him later but for now im going to enjoy these 2 free days.

okay okay so..feedback???

1034 words

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