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I walked back to my flat feeling like shit. My car had broken down and I was six and a half months pregnant so my feet and back we're killing me. I was almost home when a car pulled up beside me and two guys stepped out
K: "Can I help you?"
ZM: "Do you need a ride?"
LP: "We can't have someone in your condition walking out all by yourself at this hour. Why don't you have a car?"
K: "It broke down"
ZM: "How far along are you?"
K: "Six and a half months"
LP: "You'll need to get that fixed before baby comes"
They took my hands and helped me into the car. I didn't protest
ZM: "Where do you live?"
I stayed silent
LP: "Don't be shy"
I gave them my address and they went to drop me off. They looked shocked when the saw my horrible little flat
LP: "I can't let you stay here"
K: "It's not your problem. It's really fine"
ZM: "Come stay with us"
K: "Thanks for the offer but I don't need two pop stars taking pity on me, ok?! It was someone like you who left me like this! Next time you see Ashton Irwin and tell him hello from Kathryn"
I got out of the car and walked inside. I went into the bathroom and sat down while I had a shower and cried.

Two days later...
Conversation between 1D boys...
LP: "So me and Zayn stopped and gave a girl about our age a ride home. She was six and a half months pregnant"
ZM: "Her car broke down and she lives in the most horrible flat"
NH: "So?"
LP: "She said it was a pop star who got he pregnant..."
LT: "Who?!"
ZM: "Well we know him... It's Ashton Irwin"
NH: "Is her name Kathryn?!"
ZM: "Yeah"
LP: "She kinda looked like you, Niall"
Niall quickly grabbed his phone out and called someone
NH: "I found her... She's pregnant... Six and a half months... I'll get Liam to take me to her flat"
He hung up and looked at the boys
HS: "What the hell was that about?"
NH: "I never told you guys that but I have a twin sister but none of us have seen her for like three years and we've been looking for her. The last thing she told me was that she hated me. Take me to her apartment?"
Liam nodded and they ran out to the car. They drove to my apartment and saw a random guy hand me some money and leave. Niall stepped out of the car and I went inside and locked the door.
NH: "Kathryn, please open up!"
K: "No!"
NH: "Why was that got giving you money?"
K: "I sold him my broken down car the other day. I gotta support me and bubba somehow"

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